
DVD Metabase / News: Recent posts


This project has reached at least a modicum of stability so this is to inform all that the current release (1.08c) is the last of the frequent updates for a time. If you have not upgraded to this version you should because this is the basis of many things to come.

This is not to say development has ceased; absolutely not. As a matter of fact over the next several months the pace of development is going to increase many times over with the expected goals to be: ... read more

Posted by Jeff Cobb 2009-03-05

Notice: Upgrade to 1.08b Today!

If you are using or trying to use an earlier version you may wish to pull the 1.08b tarball; the front and the back end have seen a lot of rewrite (hopefully the last API change but folks it was necessary). I can see people trying to use the old API on the back-end and it just isn't working out well is it?

Also soon, thanks to Joel it looks like we will have a Mac OSX version soon! Woowoo! Windows will get here.... read more

Posted by Jeff Cobb 2009-02-06