
Upcoming 1.0.1 release!

I'm not really sure if it wouldn't justify to be called "v1.1", as there some new features have sneaked into this release, instead of just bugfixes... ;)

The basic structure was untouched, and has proven to be stable in about one year of production use of v1.0.

Here's a list of what's to be expected from this new release:
- Fixed wrong duration for videos <1 second.
- Fixed problem with MPEGs being shorter than the original.
- Fixed embedding of AVI metadata.
- Added support for many many new physical carriers: S-VHS, MII, born-digital, ...
- Added abillity to pause/resume task triggers in the web interface
- Added support for aspect-ratio handling
- Improved non-PAL support
- Added and improved A/V metadata: displays hires and lowres now.
- And other, minor changes.

(for details check the v1.0.1 roadmap in Mantis at:\)

We're now finishing the "Österreich am Wort" project (for which DVA-Profession was initially built), but when that's done, v1.0.1 will be out soon!

Stay tuned...

Posted by Peter B. 2012-08-07

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