Activity for duplex

  • Joe Joe created a blog post

    Problem with odd-page-count print jobs

  • Joe Joe created ticket #15

    CUPS problem with odd-page-count jobs

  • Joe Joe modified ticket #14

    kmprbatches fails on print file names with embedded white space

  • Joe Joe created ticket #14

    kmprbatches fails on print file names with embedded white space

  • Joe Joe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Mozilla recently changed their Print to File dialog. There's a new version of the AutoKey script There's also a new script,, which provides the same functionality for the Vivaldi browser. They will be included in the next release of duplexpr, but that might be quite awhile. For now, they're available upon request.

  • Joe Joe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, Thanks for asking a question! TL;DR: Try it and see what happens. You can't hurt your printer and it will only cost you a few pieces of paper. (And tell me how it works.) The system does all the actual printing using the lp command. If you save the print file to disk before printing it, then the pages you get start at "relative" page one. The old page numbers (aside from what may be printed in the headers and footers) are completely gone, so in your case, it would see a four-page print job -...

  • Stan Stan posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi there! This is a really cool project and I can't wait to put to use. I have one question though. Would duplex printing work if I'm only printing a subset of a given document? For example, if I pass -P 1,3, 5, 7 twice (as parameters for the first and second pass of lp), would duplex print pages 1 and 5 as even and 3 and 7 as odd or would it consider all of them odd pages? IE, is the duplex printing within the 4 selected pages or within the entire scope of the document? Thanks!

  • Joe Joe modified a wiki page

    How to Request A New Print Strategy

  • Joe Joe modified a wiki page


  • Joe Joe posted a comment on ticket #13

    Since this works in mprb,there shouldn't be a way for it to fail with kmprb - which is just a GUI wrapper for mprb.

  • Joe Joe created ticket #13

    Print Strategy 3 doesn't work in kmprb

  • Joe Joe modified ticket #12

    mprb Print Strategy 3 does not work correctly

  • Joe Joe modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    New version of Duplex. Duplex. - 08/13/2018 Highlights: NOTE: New dot.duplexpr config file (as of release 0.3.1), be sure to install and customize it as necessary (mandatory - if you are upgrading from a release prior to 0.3.1 or if this is a new install). Changed default_formfeed to off (0) in dot.duplexpr Added kmprbatches - (optional) reports how multiple print jobs will be split into batches when using kmprb in batch mode Fixed print strategy 3 code in mprb (still broken in kmprb) Reworked...

  • Joe Joe modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    New version of Duplex. Duplex. - 08/13/2018 Highlights: NOTE: New dot.duplexpr config file (as of release 0.3.1), be sure to install and customize it as necessary (mandatory - *if* you are upgrading from a release prior to 0.3.1 or if this is a new install). Changed default_formfeed to off (0) in dot.duplexpr Added kmprbatches - (optional) reports how multiple print jobs will be split into batches when using kmprb in batch mode Fixed print strategy 3 code in mprb (still broken in kmprb) Reworked...

  • Joe Joe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    New version of Duplex. Duplex. - 08/13/2018 Highlights: NOTE: New dot.duplexpr config file (as of release 0.3.1), be sure to install and customize it as necessary (mandatory - *if* you are upgrading from a release prior to 0.3.1 or if this is a new install). Changed default_formfeed to off (0) in dot.duplexpr Added kmprbatches - (optional) reports how multiple print jobs will be split into batches when using kmprb in batch mode Fixed print strategy 3 code in mprb (still broken in kmprb) Reworked...

  • duplex duplex released /duplex_0_3_1_1.tar.gz

  • duplex duplex released /README

  • Joe Joe modified a wiki page

    How to Request A New Print Strategy

  • Joe Joe modified a wiki page

    How to Request A New Print Strategy

  • Joe Joe modified a wiki page

    How to Request A New Print Strategy

  • Joe Joe modified a wiki page

    How to Request A New Print Strategy

  • Joe Joe modified a wiki page

    How to Request A New Print Strategy

  • Joe Joe modified a wiki page

    How to Request A New Print Strategy

  • Joe Joe modified a wiki page

    Printer Settings

  • Joe Joe created ticket #12

    mprb Print Strategy 3 does not work correctly

  • Joe Joe modified a wiki page

    How to Request A New Print Strategy

  • Joe Joe modified a wiki page

    How to Request A New Print Strategy

  • Joe Joe modified a wiki page

    How to Request A New Print Strategy

  • Joe Joe modified a wiki page

    How to Request A New Print Strategy

  • Joe Joe modified a wiki page

    How to Request A New Print Strategy

  • Joe Joe modified a wiki page

    How to Request A New Print Strategy

  • Joe Joe modified a wiki page

    How to Request A New Print Strategy

  • Joe Joe modified a wiki page

    How to Request A New Print Strategy

  • Joe Joe modified a wiki page

    How to Request A New Print Strategy

  • Joe Joe modified a wiki page

    How to Request A New Print Strategy

  • Joe Joe modified a wiki page

    How to Request A New Print Strategy

  • Joe Joe modified a wiki page

    How to Request A New Print Strategy

  • Joe Joe modified a wiki page

    How to Request A New Print Strategy

  • Joe Joe modified a wiki page

    How to Request A New Print Strategy

  • Joe Joe modified a wiki page

    How to Request A New Print Strategy

  • Joe Joe modified a wiki page

    How to Request A New Print Strategy

  • Joe Joe modified a wiki page

    How to Request A New Print Strategy

  • Joe Joe modified a wiki page

    How to Request A New Print Strategy

  • Joe Joe modified a wiki page

    How to Request A New Print Strategy

  • Joe Joe created a wiki page

    How to Request A New Print Strategy

  • Joe Joe created a wiki page

    Printer Settings

  • Joe Joe modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    New version of Duplex. Duplex.0.3.1 - 03/18/2018 Highlights: NOTE: New config file, be sure to install and customize it as necessary (mandatory). New: Print Strategy 3: Works with HP DeskJet 3630 All-in-One and other similar printers which don't need the output order of the pages on one side reversed with respect to the pages on the other side of the sheets. (This is a beta feature.) Thanks to Julio C. Song for requesting this and testing it. pqnext can now correctly handle file names/numbers longer...

  • Joe Joe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    New version of Duplex. Duplex.0.3.1 - 03/18/2018 Highlights: NOTE: New config file, be sure to install and customize it as necessary (mandatory). New: Print Strategy 3: Works with HP DeskJet 3630 All-in-One and other similar printers which don't need the output order of the pages on one side reversed with respect to the pages on the other side of the sheets. (This is a beta feature.) Thanks to Julio C. Song for requesting this and testing it. pqnext can now correctly handle file names/numbers longer...

  • duplex duplex released /duplex_0_3_1.tar.gz

  • duplex duplex released /README

  • Joe Joe modified ticket #11

    kmprb - Printing Please Wait dialog loses focus

  • Joe Joe posted a comment on ticket #11

    This issue was misdiagnosed. The problem is that yad dialogs which follow input (using scrolling) ignore the Enter key. They work fine when Ctrl+Enter is used instead. I have raised this issue on the yad list, but there was no response from the developer.

  • Joe Joe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    duplex 0.3.1 is in beta testing. Highlights: NOTE: New config file, be sure to install and customize it as necessary (mandatory). New: Print Strategy 3: Works with HP DeskJet 3630 All-in-One and other similar printers which don't need the output order of the pages on one side reversed with respect to the pages on the other side of the sheets. Thanks to Julio C. Song for requesting this and testing it. pqnext can now correctly handle file names/numbers longer than two digits. A number of minor bug...

  • Joe Joe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Added release summary to README and uploaded it and duplex_0_3_0_1.tar.gz again. No other changes.

  • duplex duplex released /README

  • Joe Joe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Just released duplex This is primarily a maintenance release. Main changes: Finally fixed the print preview dialog box problem and removed the default_preview parameter from the .duplexpr configuration file Added text to some dialogs to let the user know that Ctrl+Enter works to submit these dialogs (when Enter does not) Streamlined the GUI dialogs a bit so they don't ask if you want to quit when they're done anyway Improved mpr to make it easier to quit in the middle of a batch Added number...

  • duplex duplex released /README

  • duplex duplex released /duplex_0_3_0_1.tar.gz

  • Julio Song Julio Song modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks a lot for your reply! I've just replied your email. :)

  • Julio Song Julio Song posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks a lot for youre reply! I've just replied your email. :)

  • Joe Joe modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks for your inquiry. 1) There are probably around 16 paper handling strategies...

  • Joe Joe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks for your inquiry. 1) There are probably around 16 paper handling strategies...

  • Julio Song Julio Song posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I followed the installation instructions but got the test file printed in the...

  • Joe Joe modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I'm currently using duplex (unreleased) which is mostly slight refinements...

  • Joe Joe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I'm currently using duplex (unreleased) which is mostly slight refinements...

  • Joe Joe modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Couldn't recreate the issue, but made some small improvements to mpr and duplex....

  • Joe Joe modified ticket #11

    kmprb - Printing Please Wait dialog loses focus

  • Joe Joe modified ticket #11

    kmprb - Printing Please Wait dialog loses focus

  • Joe Joe modified ticket #6

    Problems with some PostScript files generated by Adobe Reader

  • Joe Joe posted a comment on ticket #6

    Apparently Adobe support for acroread for Linux was dropped in 2013. So, just don't...

  • Joe Joe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Coouldn't recreate the issue, but made some small improvements to mpr and duplex....

  • Joe Joe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Found a couple of problems with mpr and possibly in the scripts which call other...

  • Joe Joe modified ticket #11

    kmprb - Printing Please Wait dialog loses focus

  • Joe Joe created ticket #11

    kmprb - Printing Please Wait dialog loses focus

  • Joe Joe modified ticket #10

    yad 0.33.1 (GTK+ 2.24.10) breaks somedialogs

  • duplex duplex released /duplex_0_3.tar.gz

  • duplex duplex released /README

  • Joe Joe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Version 0.3 is released. This is primarily an enhancement release. Main Changes:...

  • duplex duplex released /duplex_0_3.tar.gz

  • duplex duplex released /README

  • Joe Joe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    If you had a previous version of yad installed and upgraded to yad 0.33.1 (GTK+ 2.24.10),...

  • Joe Joe modified ticket #10

    yad 0.33.1 (GTK+ 2.24.10) breaks somedialogs

  • Joe Joe created ticket #10

    yad 0.33.1 (GTK+ 2.24.10) breaks somedialogs

  • Joe Joe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Replaced again. Found a couple of very minor problems.

  • duplex duplex released /README

  • duplex duplex released /duplex_0_2_3_3.tar.gz

  • Joe Joe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Just replaced dprint had some debugging print statements in it

  • Joe Joe posted a comment on ticket #9

    Fixed in duplex

  • Joe Joe modified ticket #9

    duplex script fails to print text files

  • Joe Joe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Duplex is released. It is primarily a bug fix release. New: Most scripts...

  • duplex duplex released /duplex_0_2_3_3.tar.gz

  • duplex duplex released /README

  • Joe Joe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Duplex is coded and being tested. It fixes the bug in duplex and makes most...

  • Joe Joe created ticket #9

    duplex script fails to print text files

  • Joe Joe posted a comment on ticket #8

    Fixed in release

  • Joe Joe modified ticket #8

    calling dprintm with flags causes dprint argument processing errors

  • Joe Joe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    There's a bug in the duplex script. Thanks to user step.list for reporting it. A...

  • Joe Joe posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Just replaced duplex_0_2_3_2.tar.gz and README. Had another glitch in my release...

  • duplex duplex released /README

  • duplex duplex released /duplex_0_2_3_2.tar.gz

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