
Charter for dunit-developers

I've taken the charter for the devel-cvs mailing list Juanco posted as a basis for this list. The following has also been added as the description for the mailing list in the list admin pages. This is still open for discussion if anyone wants to chime in.

The DUnit developers list exists to help people with access to the CVS source repository co-ordinate changes, make releases, and administer the repository.

Everyone who has been given checkin access to the repository for the DUnit sources should read dunit-developers. Only those with checkin access may send messages to the list.

The list may be used to discuss:
- administrivia regarding the CVS source repository and release process, and
- changes and features intended for inclusion in the official DUnit release (either source code or documentation), which someone plans to implement, or has implemented.

The list should not be used to discuss:
- changes or features to packages other than the DUnit release
- changes which nobody has offered to implement, or
- the philosophy of DUnit (as opposed to a specific change to DUnit). These topics should either go on dunit-interest, or have a new mailing list created for them.

Posted by Chris Morris 2000-07-17

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