
Dunbar / News: Recent posts

Ending Development

Since there are so many other location based chat and social networking tools, Dunbar has ceased development and hosting the Dunbar server. Dunbar suggests you check out Brightkite and Google Latitude.

Posted by M 2009-03-07

Dunbar Blog

Check out the Dunbar Blog at

Posted by M 2009-01-09

Initial release of Android Client

Initial release of Android Client

Posted by M 2009-01-04

Web-based client

You can now log into your Dunbar account using Internet Explorer. You are able to obtain your location through IP Address Geolocation, view your buddy list, see the map of buddies' locations and send/receive messages. Visit to use the new client!

Posted by M 2009-01-04

Mobile Compatible web page

I added a mobile-compatible version of the Dunbar web page. It contains most of the same information, but stripped down to work on mobile phones. The web page attempts to detect your browser and redirects you to the mobile page on your phone. You may override the markup using the Mobile and the Full Version links:

Posted by M 2008-11-17

Added a Dunbar Facebook App

I added a Dunbar Facebook App. You can attach your Dunbar account to your Facebook account, then your friends can view your Status, Location and Map in your profile. User's in Private status are not viewable.

To add the App, go to

Posted by M 2008-11-10

DunbarCE 10-23-2008 Released

New version released.

Posted by M 2008-10-24

Added My Places

DunbarCE has a new feature called My Places. This allows you to save a location such as Home, Work or School. When you are within a user-defined threshold, such as 1 mile, your custom location will be included in the information your friends see about you.

for more information see:

Posted by M 2008-10-17

DunbarCE Beta released

First Beta version of DunbarCE released. Includes more features and stability.

Posted by M 2008-10-02

DunbarCE and DunbarDesktop Source Code posted

I just posted the source code for DunbarCE and DunbarDesktop.

Posted by M 2008-09-20

Dunbar Server 2.0 source code posted

I started working on the new version of Dunbar Server. I started posting the source code.

Posted by M 2008-09-20

Dunbar Server 1.0 (9-10-2008) Source Code posted

I just posted the source code for Dunbar Server 1.0.

Posted by M 2008-09-20

Dunbar 9-14-2008 released

Added Manual Location entry. Fixed some bugs.

Posted by M 2008-09-15

Dunbar: Desktop Released

Dunbar is a location-based chat tool for mobile devices and phones. The architecture is built on web services so that clients on any operating system can be created. The service will be free to users, and the source code will be made available to the pub

A Desktop (Windows) version of Dunbar was released today. Location is discovered from the GPS, IP Geolocation or manual entry. This is an alpha version but is ready to be tested!!

Posted by M 2008-09-11

Alpha 2 released

Alpha version 2 released to fix some of the screen orientation issues.

Posted by M 2008-09-01

Server API and Flowcharts posted

I posted information on the Server API including the WSDL file for the web server interface, and an explanation of the functions. I also posted some flowcharts to show how i use the functions in my client.

Posted by M 2008-09-01

Pre Alpha 1 released

Pre Alpha Version is an example of the client I have created before starting this project. The client runs on Windows Mobile. It should work on WM5, WM6, touchscreen and non-touchscreen. I have tested it mainly on a Samsung Blackjack I with WM6.

Posted by M 2008-08-16

Dunbar Launch

Dunbar is in the planning stages. While a prototype for the server and client exists, the details of the framework have not been fully hashed out.

Dunbar is looking for developers and web designers to help define the goals, and create the application.

Posted by Anonymous 2008-08-15