
Commands to display dumps

Vanyamba Software

After that sketch is successfully compiled and uploaded into Arduino memory you should open Arduino IDE Serial Monitor, select right communication baudrate (in examples 19200 bauds is used). Then you can send following commands to Arduino in order to get dumps:

  • ? -- display help info.
  • R -- current registers state dump.
  • I -- interrupt vectors table dump.
  • V -- available RAM memory.
  • T0 -- timer 0 state dump.
  • T1 -- timer 1 state dump.
  • T2 -- timer 2 state dump.
  • T3..T5 -- timer 3..5 state dumps (Arduino MEGA).
  • M000 -- RAM memory dump, starting from address 000.
  • F0000 -- Flash memory dump, starting from address 0000.
  • O000 -- EEPROM memory dump, starting from address 000,
  • A -- repeat the previous command.
  • С -- continue to output current dump (for timers it is to display next timer, for registers and interrupts it is to repeat the output).

Addresses are entered in hexadecimal format. Both commands and addresses can be entered in upper and lower cases.

[How to initialize the library]


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