
Sourceforge Timesheet System / News: Recent posts

Adding Files to CVS

Well i have some time again to work on this poor project of mine. At the moment i am going to add the files to cvs and tag it as release_2-0-3

Posted by Michael 2003-02-17

Project is NOT dead

Sorry that the project has been a bit stagnate,but i have just moved to the UK and do not have a PC yet and no work.

But once i do i will carry on working on the project. The next release will have some extra billing features.

Posted by Michael 2002-04-03

Business Financial Intergration :

After searching the web for quite a long while i have decided to look at one of the following for intergration :

1) Ck-Ledger : It is a child of phpgroupware and is written in php

2) NOLA : Quite a large php app with a lot of potentials. It has a lot of features and is in active development

3) Compiere : Probably the most successfull business financial system

4) Zephyr Basecamp & Monkey Business Db : Quite a comprehensive little accounting package... read more

Posted by Michael 2002-03-17

Help Needed

I am putting some documentation on the next series of releases. And I am looking for some help in the coding of the C stuff. Here is an over view of what i want to do next :

1) A User Oriented System : Either use the existing phpgroupware code or put together user orientated tools like TWIG etc.. together

2) A Business Financial System built around GnuCash using soap (C Soup Library) with some business management tools like a asset management tool... read more

Posted by Michael 2002-03-14

Financial System

I am gearing up next to design a financial backend
to Sourceforge and also work on trying to break up the functionality into modules. Help would be greatly aprreciated

Posted by Michael 2002-03-05

2.0.2 released

This is quite a major release. Mainly for the bug fixes. There are a couple feature add on. Like a billing engine and some admin utils.

Posted by Michael 2002-03-04

Billing Engine has begun :

I have just started on a billing engine for the timesheet section. It allows for different currencies and different rate per user per project.

Planning to use a for dynamic currency conversions

Posted by Michael 2002-02-27


For each release i am writing intermediate patches, which are really the pages that have changed. The lastest patch is for 2.0.1 and have a lot of fixes on 2.0.1

Posted by Michael 2002-02-26

2.0.1 released

The first stable release of the version 2 series.

Posted by Michael 2002-02-26

Timesheet Version 2 is out

Well version 2 is done. There might be a couple of minor bugs but other than that it should work fine. I am more concerned in getting Version 3 together. This is where more and more useful features are added check out the present tasks to be done and please send any idea my ways. Thanks Mike

Posted by Michael 2002-02-19

Feature Requests :

Please send me any feature requests for the next release 3.0. I am working to make this system to work better in a business environment. The main thing is to get it to work in a Software factory. IE : People don't allow need to work on a project. There are broken down into groups (Workgroup) accroding to there skills. eg : EJB/JSP/HTML coders etc...

This will allow the project managers of projects to assign tasks to a Workgroup. The leader of the workgroup will then assign it to a memeber of that team. ... read more

Posted by Michael 2002-02-14

Timesheet 2.0rc2 in done

I have just uploaded the lastest release candidate. I have just a couple of bugs i need to fix. From now on i will allow for upgrades between each release and start working to allow Sourceforge to Work in a Software Factory environment. Later Mike

Posted by Michael 2002-02-14

2.0 beta completed

I have just completed 2.0 beta. All the features are in. And i will be releasing the first rc. Soon

Posted by Michael 2002-02-12

99 %

Ok well i am almost finished with version 2 i have just some permissions fine tuning and bug fixing. It should be finished this week. Laters

Posted by Michael 2002-02-11

Excel Reports

Well goods news i have just started on the Excel reports. This is all thanks to a great perl library. Not a lot of features so far, but it should look quite impressive soon. Check it out in 1.9.

Posted by Michael 2002-02-08

Stable Release !!!!

There is a quite a lot new things added to this release :

1) Basic reports :
Project/User/Business Unit reports with the option to generate CSV for billing. The next release i will try to use some perl
libraries to create excel spreadsheets
2) Cleint maintainance :
The ability to create clients. Which are treated the same as developers in most cases. IE user assignments
3) Sourceforge Coding :
I am about 50 % through in making all the code like the Sourceforge code. If you want to see where all the timesheet changes come
in look out for "Timesheet Fix" in the code. There are a couple of places in the code.
4) Bug Fixes :
There was a couple of bugs in the last release and thanks to the neater code i have fixed some of the bugs in the older code.
5) Documentation :
I yanked some documentation on Sourceforge and have quickly put together a User Guide for the timesheet system.
6) Project Maintainance :
The ability to change the project settings for Timesheet Type/ Uses Timesheet and Uses Project Task... read more

Posted by Michael 2002-02-05

60 % finished

i have completely rewritten the timesheet code to work with the lastest version of Sourceforge. I am also in the process of making it easier to work with.

Posted by Michael 2002-02-01

Timesheet System for Sourceforge

I have just release code i wrote for my company a while ago that allow people to use Sourceforge in a business enviroment. It includes extra sucurity / a reverse proxy server (which unfortunately the company own) and a timesheet system.

Posted by Michael 2002-01-26

Use the new Sourceforge Business version

Our company has been using a custom version of Sourceforge on our site for the year. It runs of a single pc and handles about 50 projects and about 200 people. It also comes with a timesheet system. I will be uploading all the code of this on my new project.

Posted by Michael 2001-10-01