
Tree [a2d30f] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 build 2018-02-11 Paulo Meira Paulo Meira [e6e551] Reorganize folders to include the parallel vers...
 include 2018-04-05 Paulo Meira Paulo Meira [2585bf] Add `Circuit_SetCktElement*` to set the active ...
 klusolve 2018-02-07 Paulo Meira Paulo Meira [dbefda] Populate repository for the first public release
 lib 2018-02-12 Paulo Meira Paulo Meira [09547d] Restore lib folder
 src 2018-07-04 Paulo Meira Paulo Meira [a2d30f] Remove patchset, update README to point to `ele...
 .gitignore 2018-02-07 Paulo Meira Paulo Meira [2a54f4] Ignore FreePascal temporary files.
 LICENSE 2018-02-07 Paulo Meira Paulo Meira [dbefda] Populate repository for the first public release
 OPENDSS_LICENSE 2018-02-07 Paulo Meira Paulo Meira [dbefda] Populate repository for the first public release 2018-07-04 Paulo Meira Paulo Meira [a2d30f] Remove patchset, update README to point to `ele...
 README.pdf 2018-07-04 Paulo Meira Paulo Meira [a2d30f] Remove patchset, update README to point to `ele...
 build.bat 2018-02-12 Paulo Meira Paulo Meira [969136] Try to use latest Freepascal if available 2018-02-11 Paulo Meira Paulo Meira [e6e551] Reorganize folders to include the parallel vers...

Read Me

dss_capi: An unofficial C API for EPRI's OpenDSS

If you are looking for the Python bindings, see dss_python.

If you are looking for the .NET/C# bindings, check src/dss_sharp for the source code, or download the .NET assembly from the Releases page.

Version 0.9.6 is under development with a new structure for easier development and building, expected to be released by 2018-07-20.
You can always use 0.9.5 though!

This is a work-in-progress but it's deemed stable enough to be made public.
Note that, while the interface with OpenDSS is stable (v7, classic version), the OpenDSS-PM (v8, actor-based parallel machine version) interface is experimental.

This library exposes the OpenDSS/OpenDSS-PM engine in a plain C interface that tries to reproduce most of the COM methods. In fact, most of the code is derived from the COM implementation files. The resulting DLL can be using directly or through the dss_python module in Python, a module that mimics the COM structure (as exposed via win32com or comtypes), effectively enabling multi-platform compatibility at Python level. Initial support for .NET bindings is available starting in version 0.9.4.

Instead of using extra numeric parameters as in the official DDLL interface, each original COM property is exposed as a pair of functions. For example, the load kVA property is exposed as:

    double Loads_Get_kva();
    void Loads_Set_kva(double Value);

Besides low-level details such as memory management, most of the COM documentation can be used as-is.

This repository contains only the the custom API source code.
In order to track upstream changes in the official SVN repository, a custom patched version of the source code with changes to build v8/OpenDSS-PM with FreePascal, as well as port recent features to the v7/Classic version, is maintained in the repository at electricdss-src.

Previously, a set of patches over the official SVN repository was maintained instead of a Git repository. The old, outdated patches, are available at older revisions.

Recent changes

  • 2018-07-20 / version 0.9.6: Planned
  • 2018-04-05 / version 0.9.5: New functions Circuit_SetCktElement* to set the active circuit element.
  • 2018-03-06 / version 0.9.4: Includes fixes for DSSProperty, includes of the original helpstrings in the C header, integrate upstream changes up to revision 2152. This version introduces a first version of .NET bindings to the native DLL.
  • 2018-02-16 / version 0.9.3: Integrates COM interface fixes from revision 2136 (First Next iteration)
  • 2018-02-12 / version 0.9.2: Experimental support for OpenDSS-PM (at the moment, a custom patch is provided for FreePascal support) and port COM interface fixes (OpenDSS revision 2134)
  • 2018-02-08 / version 0.9.1: First public release (OpenDSS revision 2123)

Missing features and limitations

  • Only the 64-bit version of OpenDSS is built. A 32-bit version should be possible with a few changes.
  • Currently not implemented:

    • DSSEvents from DLL/ImplEvents.pas: seems too dependent on COM.
    • DSSProgress from DLL/ImplDSSProgress.pas: would need a reimplementation depending on the target UI (GUI, text, headless, etc.)
  • Linux binaries are not yet available. For the time being, you need to build them yourself.

Extra features

Besides most of the COM methods, some of the unique DDLL methods are also exposed in adapted forms, namely the methods from DYMatrix.pas, especially GetCompressedYMatrix (check the source files for more information).


To build the DLL yourself:

  • Install the FreePascal compiler. If you have the Lazarus IDE installed, you most likely already have the compiler too. Add the folder containing the compiler (fpc.exe) to your PATH environment variable.

  • Get this repository and the patched OpenDSS source code in the root folder:

    git clone electricdss
    git clone

On Windows

If you just need the DLL, you can download it from the releases page. You might need to install the runtime for Microsoft Visual Studio 2017.

  • Install the x64 FreePascal compiler -- see the wiki for further instructions.

  • If you want to use the DLL from Visual Studio, you need to generate an import library. This can be done by starting the next step from the "x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2017" (or equivalent for your Visual Studio version) -- you only need the dumpbin.exe and lib.exe utilities.

  • Open a command prompt on the dss_capi folder and run build.bat

For the Windows build process, the KLUSolve.dll from the official OpenDSS repository/distribution is used. This may change in the future.

The output files will be placed into the lib folder.

On Linux

The current recommendation is to build your own KLUSolve, so you need to download install its dependencies. Since most distributions should include compatible SuiteSparse packages (which include the KLU library), a modified version of KLUSolve is included in the klusolve subfolder. Overall instructions:

  • Install CMake and a C++ compiler
  • Install the SuiteSparse development packages, preferably from your official distribution
  • Install the x64 FreePascal compiler -- see the wiki for further instructions.
  • Build KLUSolve:
    cd dss_capi/klusolve
    cmake .
    cd ..
  • Build the main project:


A minimal C example follows:

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "dss_capi.h"

int main(void)
    double *voltages;
    int numNodes = 0, i;

    Text_Set_Command("compile master.dss");
    Circuit_Get_AllBusVolts(&voltages, &numNodes);

    if (numNodes == 0)
        return -1;

    for (i = 0; i < numNodes; ++i)
        printf("node %d: %f + j%f\n", i, voltages[2*i], voltages[2*(i + 1)]);


    return 0;


Currently all testing/validation is based on dss_python.


Besides bug fixes, the main funcionality of this library is mostly done. Notable desirable features that may be implemented are:

  • More and better documentation, including the integration of the help strings from the IDL/COM definition files.
  • Automate package building for some Linux distributions
  • Automate validation of the Linux binaries (compare the outputs to the Windows version)
  • C++ wrappers: Expose the API to C++ using namespaces for organization, overload methods, etc.

Other features that may include more invasive changes in the code base will probably be developed in another repository.


If you have any question, feel free to open a ticket on Github or contact me through Twitter.
Please allow me a few days to respond.

Credits / Acknowlegement

This project is derived from EPRI's OpenDSS and the same license is used. See LICENSE and OPENDSS_LICENSE, also check each subfolder for more details.

Note that, since OpenDSS depends on KLU via KLUSolve, the KLU licensing conditions (LGPL or GPL, depending on how you build KLU) apply to the resulting binaries; check the files klusolve/COPYING, klusolve/lgpl_2_1.txt and the SuiteSparse documentation.

I thank my colleagues at the University of Campinas, Brazil, for providing feedback and helping me test this project.