
Datastream Pro / News: Recent posts

Datastream Released

Datastream Pro is a database browser and data manipulation tool.

It is intuitive and easy to use.


* Browse and edit the data in your database.
* Run and edit SQL scripts in a user friendly environment.
* Use the query editor to edit your SQL queries.
* Simultaneously connect to multiple databases
* Supports almost any JDBC compliant database (tested on Oracle, MySQL, postgreSQL and HSQLDb)
* Easy to use connection wizard.
* Secure, personalised settings for connections and preferences
* Built in text editor
* Reliable and stable... read more

Posted by Stephen Cowx 2005-10-09

Datastream Pro released

The and releases see a number of improvements and new features. The most significant of these are:

1) The addition of a connection wizard which helps to speed up creating new connections to databases.
2) Drag and drop, cut copy and paste has been added to the database editor.
3) A more sophisticated script runner has been added, allowing editing and executing of SQL scripts in a nice environment. ... read more

Posted by Stephen Cowx 2005-09-06

Datastream Pro Released

This release sees a number of improvements and new features. The most significant of these are:

1) The addition of a connection wizard which helps to speed up creating new connections to databases.
2) Drag and drop, cut copy and paste has been added to the database editor.
3) A more sophisticated script runner has been added, allowing editing and executing of SQL scripts in a nice environment.

There are many more enhancements and bug fixes in this long overdue release.... read more

Posted by Stephen Cowx 2005-09-05 A break-through release for Datastream Pro

One of the most important core features required for the 1.0 release of Datastream Pro has now been implemented. This feature is a major break-though because it moves Datastream Pro from being a database browsing application with limited support for GUI based edits to being a powerful and easy to use graphically based database editor. Datastream Pro is a user friendly, 100% pure java, desktop application designed to interface to multiple RDBMS systems simultaneously. Easily browse and maintain data in your database, write queries and perform database entity maintenance.... read more

Posted by Stephen Cowx 2004-11-05

Datastream Pro - Moving towards 1.0

Things are starting to look good for Datastream Pro making it to version 1.0.

Bugs are steadily being squashed, a few every release.

The build process is also getting smoother all the time.

All of this adds up to a better experience for the user and a step closer to a useful software product.

Thanks to the users who have downloaded Datastream Pro to date. I am working to make it better all the time so keep coming back for updates.

Posted by Stephen Cowx 2004-10-11

Datastream Pro - Installer build integrated

Next release of Datastream Pro out with some hendy bug fixes and a fabulous new build process.

The building of the Windows installer has been added to the build process for Datastream Pro. I have made it generic so that I can use it on my other projects.

This was possible to thanks to the maven, the Maven NSIS goal and some jelly scripting. Great stuff, I will be adding more and more components to the automated build as I go along. ... read more

Posted by Stephen Cowx 2004-10-05

Datastream Pro website launched

The first offical version of the Datastream Pro website has been launched. Go visit it and download the ;atest version of Datastream Pro !

Posted by Stephen Cowx 2004-08-20

First software release

The first file release for Datastream Professional.

The aim of this release is to check the install and setup as well as to get used to the file release system in source forge and to identify obvious bugs on various systems.

It is not really a release for public consumption although the software is in a basic state of useability for those with adventurous spirits.

Posted by Stephen Cowx 2004-08-11

First source code upload

The first source code upload was made today. The utils library was uploaded, more source code to follow shortly as Datastream Pro gets closer and closer to release.

Posted by Stephen Cowx 2004-05-08