
Branch 41890 (DSM 7.0)

  • Mircea Damian

    Mircea Damian - 2021-07-06


    I can see that this announcement showed up on the activity page about 20h:

    Synology Open Source Project released /Synology NAS GPL Source/41890branch/apollolake-source/linux-4.4.x.txz

    But when trying to download the file it does not work (it says the file is no there).
    If I browse through the files I cannot see under "NAS GPL Source" any folder named "41890branch".

    Can you please check?


  • Gwyneth Llewelyn

    I believe that when you decompress the linux-4.4.x.txz file you simply get a linux-4.4.x directory. Those are the sources for the modified Linux kernel.

  • Mircea Damian

    Mircea Damian - 2021-11-06

    Thank you @Gwyneth!
    Although I want the 4.4 version that is used under 7.0 and not the beta version of 7.0 or a previous 6.x.
    It seems that a new 7.0.1 was just published and the sources for that one are missing as well.


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