



  • Zero: once I thought, that it would be interesting to make debian more usefull. Distributive with stable core, but new applications and useful out-of-the-box configuration, but without million changes from release to release, like ubuntu and good balance between usability and interface "weight", must be good idea. This distro could be installed everywhere, including spaceship :) So, it's "Deep Space Debian"
  • First: it's an idea to make feature-rich and tool-rich, but still lightweight distributive without bells and whistles. Of course, you can add them, but just do it yourself ;) But, dasic distributive will be designed for comfortable work of power users, who don't need to see on jelly-windows of desktop animations.
  • Fresh applications on stable platform. DSD based on Debian stable branch, but has a lot of new packages.
  • Distributive without distributive. Most of components are debian, or debian-based. So, you can migrate to Deep Space Debian, directly from debian, just installing few packages.
  • Next, idea to keep some peace of UNIX in modern distributive. So, you will not see something monster, like systemd or KDE. Of course, you can add them, but just do it yourself ;)
  • User is free to be free or non-free. So, you can install here non-free software, if you need. We will publish it in separate branch.
  • This distributive develops by ukraininan team (in fact, just me, for now :) ), so it will has good ukrainian and russian localisation (yes, we often use both languages).
  • As "good dictator" of this distributive, I call its releases after named galaxies, because I like astronomy :)