
Drunken:Golem Gaming Portal / News: Recent posts

Screenshots Uploaded!

I have uploaded some screenshots for the Gaming Portal onto the Project Website aswell with some information on an onging project, of which i will release an early version in the near future.

Posted by Grinder 2006-02-27

Problem with Install fixed

There have been some problems during the install process and with some basic configurations. They have been fixed now and Drunken:Golem alpha should run on every system now.

Posted by Grinder 2005-02-02

Alpha Version released!

We have released the Alpha Version of Drunken:Golem Gaming Portal today. It has all the important stuff included and any user should be somewhat able to get it running.<br/>
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Be aware, that there might be lots of changes in the future until the Full Version is released. Have Fun with the Package and please report any bugs you find, plus give us feedback!<br />
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An older version of DrunkenGolem is running on

Posted by Grinder 2005-01-03

Drunken:Golem live

The registration process with sourceforge is complete now and Drunken:Golem Gaming Portal is ready to be. What is Drunken:Golem? Its a Content-Management-System based on phpBB and Smarty. It has powerful tools to administrate your own dedicated gaming website.

The first alpha release will most likely appear on this website around christmas, perhaps earlier.

Posted by Grinder 2004-11-30