
Druid 3.6 and roadmap

Hi to all,

after one year I have managed to bring a new release. This is mainly a bug fix release with some little news (see the changes section on the home page for more details). I'm sorry for not having added all patches but I don't have time to follow druid now.

This consideration lets me introduce a new choice I have made that is related to the roadmap. I have already started to code
druid 4 but this task will require a *lot* of work due to the features I want to add, like:

- table hierarchies
- support for users, schemas
- complex datatypes
- undo/redo
- full drag'n'drop
- etc...

Because I have no time to dedicate to druid the only solution is to try to make some business out of it. I have decided to collect some funds using the donation system. I will code and release druid 4.0 as soon as I reach a given amount of money.

I have estimated that to code the 4.0 release (without jdbc access and erviews) I will need about 25.000 EUR (for coding and writing docs). This is not a big price: the download counter for druid 3.5 is over 5.000 and this means a donation of 25.000/5.000 = 5 EUR for each download.

If you have used druid with profit I think it is time to support the project.


Posted by Andrea Carboni 2005-05-22

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