
Dr. Tux / News: Recent posts


Greetings Everyone!<BR>
I'd Like to personally welcome and thank you for visiting this project. One of my favorite games ever for the Nintendo(TM) was Dr. Mario, and I hope to create the same basic feel with this game.<P>
This Project is being programmed in pure C, using the SDL Libraries (I will link against SDL 1.2, but I will try to avoid SDL 1.2 specific code), SDL_Image library, and SDL_GUI. When the sound code is implemented we will use SDL_mixer.<BR> Currently, have almost gotten the GUI framework compeleted, but I am having some difficulty making SDL_GUI cooperate completely with C, the Height and Width of some of my images is being hidden from me. <BR>
I should hopefully have some code up on this site very soon.

Posted by Jeff Craig 2001-03-31