
Document Repository System / News: Recent posts

Delayed for restart!

We're still a little bit delayed for the resuming of the project, but i'll assure you we'll be restarting work of DRS soon.

Posted by Carlos ospina 2004-01-22

soon we'll be back

Hey guys, the project will soon coming back to life, we're startingo to check the code and making the plans for further developing.

Soon we'll tell you the roadmap we've decided.

Posted by Carlos ospina 2003-09-25

DRS 0.9.0 Released

DRS, a document repository system with Frontpage support, released version 0.9.0. It was released because of a few minor bugs in the calendar system. Some links could be incorrect, and, on some months, date spans wouldn't show up.

Posted by Andy Lindeman 2002-09-01

DRS 0.9.0RC6 Released

DRS, document repository/groupware software with Frontpage support, released version 0.9.0RC6 today. This release is a small bugfix release that fixes a bug in an email message sent to people who were assigned tasks.

Posted by Andy Lindeman 2002-08-24

DRS 0.8.0RC3 Released

The Document Repository System is a PHP-based web application based on Sharepoint; it uses Frontpage extensions for remote authoring, otherwise it is independent. It has many features other than just a document repository.

This fixes a problem with inconsistent dates, and a problem with date spans extending one date too long on the calendar.

Posted by Andy Lindeman 2002-07-13

DRS 0.8.0RC2 Released

The Document Repository System is a PHP-based web application based on Sharepoint; it uses Frontpage extensions for remote authoring, otherwise it is independent. It has many features other than just a document repository.

This release fixes a bug that caused the pop-up javascript calendar to be a month off.

Posted by Andy Lindeman 2002-07-12

DRS 0.8.0RC1 Released

DRS hopes to become a viable MS Sharepoint clone. It is basically a web interface to a document repository (Frontpage Web), but with many other features...It depends on Frontpage for remote authoring, otherwise it is independent.

This release adds many bug-fixes and adds many features. Even though it is a release candidate, it is considered stable. Please try it out and submit bug reports.

Posted by Andy Lindeman 2002-07-09

New Feature Survey for DRS 0.7.3beta

I have created a survey to ask users which new feature they would like to see in the next version of DRS. Please help me by answering this one question.

Posted by Andy Lindeman 2002-06-18

DRS Version 0.7.2beta Released

I am pleased to announce the release of the Document Repository System version 0.7.2beta. The Document Repository system strives to be viable Sharepoint (R) clone. It is basically a web interface to a Frontpage Web, but with many more features including a forum, calendar, tasks, events, announcements, and user management.

Version 0.7.2beta fixes many bugs and adds some new features. Upgrade is recommended. ... read more

Posted by Andy Lindeman 2002-06-13

DRS Version 0.7.1beta Released

Version 0.7.1beta of the Document Repository System was released today. The Document Repository System is a document repository based on a Frontpage Web, but with many more features. It depends on Frontpage Extensions for remote authoring on Windows clients, but other than that, it is completely independent.

This version fixes a bug preventing servers with "register_globals = off" from using the forum.

Posted by Andy Lindeman 2002-06-12

Bugs Detected

It seems like there was at least one pretty serious bug in DRS. The forum doesn't seem to be working at all. I will be working on this soon, but if you have discovered it's cause please contact me.

Also, the creation/last modified dates seem to be off by an hour on some files. This may be due to a time zone calculation problem or daylight savings time. This bug is not so serious.

Posted by Andy Lindeman 2002-06-12

DRS Version 0.7.0beta Released

I am pleased to announce the release of the Document Repository System version 0.7.0beta. The Document Repository System is a document repository (but with much more features including a calendar, forum, tasks, announcements, etc..) using a Frontpage web. While this is a beta release, I do not believe any serious bugs remain. However, I am open to contributions and bug reports.

Posted by Andy Lindeman 2002-06-11