
New plugins

  • Tom De Muer

    Tom De Muer - 2004-08-02

    Chris, are you still working on the project support?  If you are and need some help I'll be glad to help out. 

    Something I'm also want to look at is an integrated debugger, has someone  already looked into that?  I see that the DrFrame has a "breakpoints" attribute.


    • Daniel Pozmanter

      I have looked into the integrated debugger.  That was my next project, after I get 3.3.0 out (I am going to leave the core to bugfixes).

      If you would like to work on one yourself, that would be great.

      Possibilities include:

      1.  A GUI interface to pdb
      2.  integrate the eric debugger.
      3.  integrate the HAP remote python debugger.
      4.  grab stuff from boa.
      5.  Make your own from scratch.
      6.  integrate some other debugger code.

      The design goals would be:
      1.  graphical step through, step in, step out.
      2.  graphical representation of all local variables
      when stepping through.

      Well, to start anyway :)

    • Daniel Pozmanter

      I've been working on the plugin.

      Given that I am VERY LAZY, I have decided to try
      the first option, a gui interface to pdb.

      I've got a lot of the basic framework done, and I am about to start on the connection itself.
      I am going to try a rewrite of the pdb class to have
      it communicate primarily via socket, so that the main window only shows output from the program being debugged.  There is some more info on progress in the to do list in cvs.

    • Daniel Pozmanter

      Looks like I'm lazier than I thought :)

      I'll have a working alpha up soon.  I'm just going to add the watch bit.

      I won't be using sockets.  Just the standard pdb.
      This will be much like the old debugger plugin, except:

      1.  DrPython will parse the debugger output, and go to the  correct line in the correct file (highlight).  (On close, it heads back to the original file).
      2.  There are menu entries (and hence potentially shortcuts, pop up menu, toolbar etc) for pdb commands Step, Next, Up, Down, Where and Continue.
      3.  There will be a watch window, which holds (and updates) the values of entered variables.

      I have not decided whether or not to parse the output and remove ALL debugger output/ or to, as it is now, just leave the output there.

      I will make a separate announcement, and ask folks for their opinions of the debugger.



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