
#171 Subfolders being processed


Environment and setup:
Windows 10 Enterprise 64bit.
I have the option checked to "Scan subfolders and not try to process them" checked.

Expected results:
1. Rule setup to move ".ZIP" files in my downloads directory into a subfolder of downloads called compressed ie. Downloads\Compressed
2. File is moved to compressed after download is complete (let's say
3. I enter the Compressed directory and unzip into a subfolder called file. Directory structure is now Downloads\Compressed\file. The file is of type .exe
4. I expect nothing to happen - the file stays put.

Actual Results:
1. Steps 1-3 work great
2. Step 4 fails. I have a rule to move .EXE files in Downloads to a subfolder called Software. ie. Downloads\Software. As soon as I exectue step #3 above the .exe file is immediately sent to Downloads\Software. This is also true for my other top level Download rules for .DOC, .JPG, etc

Request: please tell me how to absolutely IGNORE subfolders of a folder that has a rule on it. I want files from the Downloads directory to be process into subfolders in the Downloads folder. ie. From Downloads to Downloads\Software, Downloads\Compressed, Downloads\Images, etc. When I enter a Compressed subfolder and unzip files like .EXE, .JPG, .DOCX the rules are fired and the files move. I want the Documents, Software and Compressed folders to NOT follow the rules on the Downloads top level folder.


  • Mike Stamper

    Mike Stamper - 2018-11-21

    Just tagging my name to this issue - I posted anonymously by mistake.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2019-03-22

    Happens with me, how do we resolve it ?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2019-04-03

    I've the same setup, I also wanted to know this

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2019-08-13

    I have the same issue. Under Downloads folder I have created subfolder for PDF files and every time pdf file is added to Downloads it will be copied to Downloads\PDF\ and DropIt will ask if I want to overwrite the file with the same file. So this subfolder is processed (or scanned, what is the difference?) even I have tried to exclude the subfolder (Ignore ##) and tried all options combinations.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2020-03-25

    Any update on this please? I have nested folders and want the top level folder association to ignore sub folder changes as I have defined associations for them.


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