
Build Tools


In addition to [Cross Toolchain] Droid Overlay maintains pacman and makepkg wrappers (command-line scripts, calling another executables with different parameters). These wrappers are called makepkg-archdroid and pacman-archdroid and can be installed from "toolchain" subdirectory of the Droid Overlay git tree. Users, who compile Droid Overlay ARM packages, are supposed to use these wrappers in place of pacman and makepkg.

These tools do roughly following things:

  • running pacman/makepkg with different parameters and configuration files
  • changing configure switches to ensure Droid Overlay file hierarchy without changes to PKGBUILDs
  • modifying some behaviors, for example, force makepkg to use pacman-archdroid for package installation and dependency checks
  • setting environment variables:
    • CC, CXX, AS and such, enforcing usage of cross-tools for compilation
    • setting up pkg-config to use files under /fhs instead of host *.pc files
  • change PKGBUILD properties to use /fhs prefix in backup variable, move file operations from $pkgdir to $pkgdir/fhs etc.

As of [code:7dd4d3] build tools allow building virtually all pure C/C++ applications, using autoconf, from unmodified Arch Linux ARM PKGBUILDs.


Commit: [7dd4d3]
Wiki: Building Packages
Wiki: Cross Toolchain
Wiki: Droid Overlay
Wiki: Installation
Wiki: Project Overview