

Droid IRC Bot.

Short and simple.


You can also look at the wiki on how to install, downloads, and suggestions, and read some known errors.

{mIRC script has been added to download to anyone that wants to edit that as well}

Ever wanted to run an IRC bot on your Droid?
Well now you can, with this simple script.
-It constantly stays running. Don't run it if you need your battery. {duh}
Its new, chances are it has bugs, please report them.
-Its just a bot, if you have suggestions post them, or if you add to it, feel free to add.
I will have a video up soon, and pictures
this is terminal based, and has few commands, !say {!income !link user (for the game kings of chaos)}
-*maybe i'll turn this into an apk.

-runs about 5 hours if you keep your phone fully charged on standby