

Anonymous Christian Henz

Dr. Navjoy

Dr. Navjoy is a joystick-driven file browser and application launcher.


2008-01-18: Dr. Navjoy 0.2.1 bugfix release
- Fixes joystick button mapping bug (custom mappings could clash with unmodified portions of the default mapping)

2008-01-16: Dr. Navjoy 0.2.0 released
A new release of Dr. Navjoy. Changes include:
- Configuration system overhaul
- No more hardcoded application/games categories
- Screensaver now optional (-s)
- Bugfixes etc.

2008-01-11: Dr. Navjoy 0.1.0 released
The first official release of Dr. Navjoy! Source and Debian/i386 packages are here.


Check the Dr. Navjoy Sourceforge download page for packages.
The source code is also available from the subversion repository.


To build Dr. Navjoy from sources, you need do have development packages installed for:

  • libsdl
  • libsdl_ttf
  • libxml2

To compile, just call "make" and "make install". The default installation prefix is "/usr/local". To override, edit the Makefile or set the environment variable "PREFIX". If you don't want to install Dr. Navjoy, you should set the environment variable "DATADIR" to the source directory, so that Dr. Navjoy can still find it's data files.

Config File

When starting up, Dr. Navjoy tries to load it's configuration from a file called ".navjoy.xml" in the user's home directory. If the file does not exist, it continues trying to load "/etc/navjoy.xml", "$PREFIX/share/drnavjoy/navjoy.xml" and finally "navjoy.xml" in the current working directory before giving up.

See the [Configuration] page for details/examples.


usage: drnavjoy [-w] [-s] [-h]
  -w   Run in window (default: fullscreen)
  -s   Enable screensaver (via xset)
  -h   This text

The screensaver option is implemented using the xset utility to turn the screen off and on via DPMS. The delay is five minutes.


Arrow up/down: Navigate
Page up/down: Navigate
Return: Action
Escape: Back
"M": Bookmarks
"Q": Quit


Joystick button mappings can be configured in the navjoy.xml file.
These are the defaults:

Up/down: Navigate
Button 0: Action
Button 1: (Unused)
Button 2: Back
Button 3: Page up
Button 4: Page down
Button 5: Bookmarks

Page up + page down + bookmarks: Quit


Copyright (C) 2007,2008 Christian Henz (chrhenz at gmx dot de).
Dr. Navjoy is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL) v2.0.


Wiki: Configuration