
Dr. Jekyll / News: Recent posts

SIM Voleon released under the GPL

The nice people at Systems In Motion ( have released their volume rendering library SIM Voleon ( as free software under the GPL. We tested a pre-release version of this library when we developed Dr. Jekyll, and the 1.0 version of SIM Voleon works without changes to the Dr. Jekyll code. By using this, Dr. Jekyll is able to offer a three-dimensional volume rendering of the volumes as well as the built-in two-dimensional slices.

Posted by Kristoffer Gleditsch 2004-06-09

Dr. Jekyll version 1.0

We've finally reached version 1.0: Our theses are finally in the press. No new feature since 0.9b, but is is pretty stable now.

Posted by Kristoffer Gleditsch 2003-04-28

Dr. Jekyll version 0.9b

No new features, indeed. Since 0.9a we have implemented some new
features, but we fixed some bugs as well. The most interesting is
probably the Region Of Interest (ROI) stuff. At the moment this is
only used for limiting operations to a 2D slice, but the ROI can be
any subset of the cube. We also plugged the mother of all memory
leaks, and added help texts to a lot of the windows and plugins.

Posted by Kristoffer Gleditsch 2003-04-11

drjekyll version 0.9: Almost there!

This version of Dr. Jekyll is reasonable stable and we reckon it has
all the features of version 1.0. There will probably be small fixes
and updates, but our major effort the next month will probably be
directed towards our theses about the program instead of the program

As always, feedback is very velcome. Have fun!

Posted by Kristoffer Gleditsch 2003-03-28

CVS moved to Sourceforge; version 0.5.

We finally got the CVS repository moved to Sourceforge. A lot of things has happened since 0.4, so we'll call this version 0.5 and upload it as a package as well.

Posted by Kristoffer Gleditsch 2003-02-24

Version 0.4.

We've put up a new snapshot of our code. All feedback is appreciated. We're planning to move our CVS repository to Sourceforge soon.

Posted by Kristoffer Gleditsch 2003-01-15

Version 0.3 available. We are listening.

Version 0.3 is the snapshot that was demonstrated at the NOBIM seminar in October 2002. Josse has been working quite a bit on the visualization since then, but due to Kristoffer's exams, the rest is lagging somewhat. The activity will increase when exam season is over, so join the mailing list and stay tuned. :)

Posted by Kristoffer Gleditsch 2002-11-19