
#309 How to install DrJava on Windows 8?

v1.0 (example)


I need to install the JDK and DrJava on Windows 8, but I can´t find any instruction on how to insert the variables JAVA_HOME and CLASSPATH on control painel.

I downloaded drjava-stable-20130901-r5756 and JDK7u45-windows-x.64.
Anyone can help me?

Thanks a lot.

Marco Pasetto


Support Requests: #309


  • Robert Cartwright

    Hi Marco,

    I don't have a Windows 8 machine and I have never used Windows 8. On other
    versions of Windows, you do not need to set either the JAVA_HOME or
    CLASSPATH environment variables. I don't know if the launcher that we use
    in the DrJava exe file is compatible with Windows 8. If it is, you should
    be able to start DrJava simply by opening (double-clicking) the exe file.
    Once DrJava starts, it looks for the "tools.jar" file included in your JDK
    installation. It is cannot find the tools.jar file, it will start but it
    may report that it did not find a Java compiler. DrJava includes an
    Eclipse compiler so it should still find this compiler if you are starting
    DrJava using either Java 6 or Java 7.

    There are several workarounds if the launcher in the exe file does not work
    for Windows 8. The jar distribution of DrJava works on Windows. If the
    Windows registry is properly configured (which on other versions of Windows
    happens if the last program you have installed is the Java JDK), you can
    simply open the DrJava jar file to run DrJava. The issue is what program
    the registry specifies for opening files with extension ".jar". The are
    other Windows programs that when installed that modify the registry to use
    a different default program to run a jar file. If opening the jar file
    does not run it as a Java jar file, you can use the "Command Prompt"
    accessory to run DrJava from a terminal. In this case, I suggest tha put
    the DrJava jar file on the desktop, rename it as "drjava.jar", run "Command
    Prompt" (which should be accessible as a program on your start menu),
    change the current directory to Desktop (using the "cd" command) in the
    opened terminal window, and then type the command

    java -jar drjava.jar

    in the terminal window. If you did not rename the DrJava jar file, you must
    use the longer name instead of "drjava.jar" in this command. I think that
    java uses a default class path that includes "." (the currrent directory).
    If this assumption is wrong or the CLASSPATH environment variable is set to
    a path that does not include ".", then you will need to use the command

    java -cp "." -jar drjava.jar

    to run DrJava. Without a classpath that includes ".", java cannot find
    drjava.jar when it is the current directory.

    Please let me know whether any of my suggestions work for you. I want to
    learn more about running DrJava on Windows 8.


    Robert "Corky" Cartwright

    On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 2:27 PM, MARCO BERTI PASSETTO <


    Status: open
    Created: Mon Nov 18, 2013 01:27 PM UTC by MARCO BERTI PASSETTO
    Last Updated: Mon Nov 18, 2013 01:27 PM UTC
    Owner: nobody


    I need to install the JDK and DrJava on Windows 8, but I can´t find any
    instruction on how to insert the variables JAVA_HOME and CLASSPATH on
    control painel.

    I downloaded drjava-stable-20130901-r5756 and JDK7u45-windows-x.64.
    Anyone can help me?

    Thanks a lot.

    Marco Pasetto

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    Support Requests: #309


    Hi Robert!

    I have good news! The launcher used in DrJava is compatible with Windows 8. I just installed JAVA 7 and Dr Java without set any environment variables and DrJava works.

    Thank you for your help.


    Marco Pasetto

  • Robert Cartwright

    Yes. We use the Apple launcher which is incompatible Oracle Java 7.


    Robert Cartwiright

    On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 8:42 PM, MARCO BERTI PASSETTO <


    Hi Robert!

    I have good news! The launcher used in DrJava is compatible with Windows
    8. I just installed JAVA 7 and Dr Java without set any environment
    variables and DrJava works.

    Thank you for your help.


    Marco Pasetto

    Status: open
    Created: Mon Nov 18, 2013 01:27 PM UTC by MARCO BERTI PASSETTO
    Last Updated: Mon Nov 18, 2013 01:27 PM UTC
    Owner: nobody


    I need to install the JDK and DrJava on Windows 8, but I can´t find any
    instruction on how to insert the variables JAVA_HOME and CLASSPATH on
    control painel.

    I downloaded drjava-stable-20130901-r5756 and JDK7u45-windows-x.64.
    Anyone can help me?

    Thanks a lot.

    Marco Pasetto

    Sent from because you indicated interest in

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    Support Requests: #309

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