
DrJava Beta Release 20090803

Available for download at .

DrJava is a lightweight programming environment
for Java designed to foster test-driven software
development. It includes an intelligent program editor,
an interactions pane for evaluating program text, a
source level debugger, and a unit testing tool.

In addition to bug fixes in anticipation of the
next stable release, this second beta release
includes a number of new features introduced after
the last beta release:

These features include the ability to associate
source, project and add-on files with DrJava so
that they can be opened by double-clicking on
them in the Windows Explorer or MacOS Finder
(.java, .drjava, and .djapp files).

The source browser was improved: Browse forward
and backward like in a web browser!

Since there still is an incompatibility between
Sun's Swing GUI library and the the Compiz window
manager on Linux, we now check for the presence
of Compiz and display a warning.

Note: The default project file extension now is
.drjava, not .xml anymore.

Note: Java 1.4 compatibility has been dropped with this
release. To use DrJava, you will need Java 5 or newer.

New features:
- File associations in Windows and Mac OS.
- Improved source browser.
- Display and select from all installed JDKs.
- Reorganized Preferences dialog.
- Compiz warning.
- Interactions Pane parser allows annotations.
- Completed support for nested classes (static and
non-static) in Interactions Pane.

Bug fixes:
- Bug fix for Icelandic keyboard to allow
braces { } to be entered.
- Miscellaneous Interactions Pane parser bug fixes.
- Bug fixes in type checking in Interactions Pane.
- Implemented qualified super expressions in
Interactions Pane.
- Fixed name resolution issues involving circular dependencies.
- Small bug fixes for Language Level facility.

Posted by Mathias Ricken 2013-05-09

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