
New Linux Driver Search engine under development

Well, the stats have been dropping on this site. I'm guessing people are under the impression that I have stopped working on driver on demand. The reason that I have been quiet has been that I have been working on a online driver search engine which will work eventually with Driver On Demand.

So far, the base has been developed, and I am working on a few more changes to make it usable (the base is already in there.. just needs a few HTML changes and it will work.)

You can already mess around in it, be aware that when you log in, it wont say you are yet, until u click another link.

The site is:

Dont be surprised if you get errors while loading it. Its still under active development, which means that I'm actively fixing/changing things.. chances are if u try an hour later though, it might suddenly work. I'm in need of a good name for the search engine though, and a good possible URL, so if anyone has any ideas, tell me. ;)

Finally, we have to thank Andreas Nilsson for working on a new logo for driver on demand.. The 2 possible choices are:

Feel free to post which one I should use ;)

I'm hoping that by the end of the week, we finally will have a very decent search engine for linux drivers (no more googling needed), which will eventually be modified to work with driver on demand alpha 2 too. I know that it appears that the project might seem dead, but thats cause I've been working constantly on this new search engine ;) The search engine code will be released when the code has stabilised more.

Posted by Andrew Luecke 2004-07-19

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