
Driver On Demand / News: Recent posts

Using DKMS for driver Management

Hey All,

I have decided to take the initiative of switching to a better management system for the next revision of Driver On Demand.

DKMS ( is a driver management system designed by Dell released under the GPL, that not only supports both binary and source packages, but can also patch the source for specific versions of the kernel.

Directly from Dells site: DKMS stands for Dynamic Kernel Module Support. It is designed to create a framework where kernel dependent module source can reside so that it is very easy to rebuild modules as you upgrade kernels. This will allow Linux vendors to provide driver drops without having to wait for new kernel releases while also taking out the guesswork for customers attempting to recompile modules for new kernels.... read more

Posted by Andrew Luecke 2004-09-18

New Linux Driver Search engine under development

Well, the stats have been dropping on this site. I'm guessing people are under the impression that I have stopped working on driver on demand. The reason that I have been quiet has been that I have been working on a online driver search engine which will work eventually with Driver On Demand.

So far, the base has been developed, and I am working on a few more changes to make it usable (the base is already in there.. just needs a few HTML changes and it will work.)... read more

Posted by Andrew Luecke 2004-07-19

New driver list format proposal

Sorry for the delay, had exams for the last week.. Finally I started on a new linuxdriver listing format, available at which I need people to look through and give me some suggestions on improvements.

The cool thing is that once this is done, I can finally start on rewriting the server.. The rewrite will effectively allow drivers to be shared amongst many devices, so if a driver is updated, a vendor only needs to update one copy of it on the server, and all the rest will automatically update with it. The rewrite will allow me to add a HTML wizard to add drivers to the list, as well as finally allow rating of drivers to work. The new format will allow every driver in the list to be signed too, so that even most third party drivers could be considered safe.... read more

Posted by Andrew Luecke 2004-06-20

Major work being done for alpha 2

Restructure of CVS
For those of you who have been looking on the CVS, you probably will have noticed a few changes in the CVS.. mostly the fact that its been completely rearranged.. The changes were made so that it is now easier for people to install driver on demand.. The server files have been put in their own directories, same as the other files, and the submit driver script, as long as development docs are in their own directory.. ... read more

Posted by Andrew Luecke 2004-06-10

driver On demand alpha 1 released

Driver On demand is a driver management system designed for Linux, which is designed to automatically install drivers by using a httpd server. Its other intention is to create a universal driver standard for Linux, allowing drivers to be installed easier. Its only purpose is to allow any device you plug in, to work instantly with no installation of drivers required.

Alpha 1 is the first release of this software, and has a wide variety of features including:... read more

Posted by Andrew Luecke 2004-05-10