
Database file

  • T. T. Giang

    T. T. Giang - 2000-10-03

    Anyone know or can provide the database file required for this app?

    • Mike Akers

      Mike Akers - 2000-10-05

      When you start DrinkMixer for the first time, it will complain about not finding a file named SavedDatabase.db, this is normal. When SavedDatabase.db is not found, DrinkMixer parses the res/drinks.txt file to create a new database of drinks and runs normally.

      Is this what's happening? if so, then this is normal operation. If not, let me know.

      In your email to me you mentioned that you built drinkmixer on a MS box, did you bould it by fixing make.bat? or did you just build it manualy? If you have make.bat fixed, can you share it with me for the next release?


      • T. T. Giang

        T. T. Giang - 2000-10-05

        thanks for the answer. Unfortunately, I still have a problem. Before I start moving things around, I wanted to check with you guys first. Here's the error message:

        C:\Java\DrinkMixer\DrinkMixer>make run
        DrinkMixer version 1.0b,
        Copyright (C) 1999 Michael C. Akers,
        Marshall L. Hayden, Joseph G. Husband, Kevin E. Makles.
        DrinkMixer comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
        This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute
        it under certain conditions. See the COPYING file for details. SavedDatabase.db (The system cannot find the file
        Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
                at drinkMixer.model.fileParsers.JoeFileParser$ParseThread.initProgressFr
                at drinkMixer.model.fileParsers.JoeFileParser$ParseThread.<init>(JoeFile
                at drinkMixer.model.fileParsers.JoeFileParser.<init>(
                at DrinkMixer.<init>(
                at DrinkMixer.main(

        As you can see, it wasn't able to create the file. Let me know what you think. The directory structure remains as it was unzippid.

        About the make file, you just have to remove the deltree line. MS machines with most OSs up to now doesn't have that command. That should do it.


        • Mike Akers

          Mike Akers - 2000-10-05

          ok, i have a fix for this. In there are two files:, and

          download these, put them in src/drinkmixer/model/fileParsers/, recompile and try to run drinkmixer. It should work. If it does, let me know and i'll put together a new release.


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