

DREAM Project WIKI - Join

DREAM needs you!

I am now looking for team members to join me on this project! I have only a few requirements:

1. You must have a natural affinity towards whatever it is you wish to do for DREAM. In other words you not only need the skills and talents required, you must have a draw towards using them for that purpose. Working on DREAM in your chosen area must be something you enjoying doing!

2. It must flow in the natural course of your life to work on DREAM. In other words you may meet the first requirement, but perhaps there is an opportunity to use the same skills, abilities and drive for another, perhaps more important purpose. You need to be sure that DREAM is the right opportunity for you! On the other hand you may work at a 9-5 job you hate simply because you have family or monetary obligations. I would never encourage you to ignore these, but I truly believe that nobody should work at a job they hate, especially if it does not make use of their unique skills and abilities! In my mind this is a job that does not flow with their Life's Purpose! If it were me I would re-examine my life and perhaps take a leap of faith to work on DREAM.

This project is open source and its focus is not on making money. We will survive on the donations of our supporters and we will be held accountable for how we use those funds. Later it may work out for us to design the game I have in mind, and that can be sold commercially for a small fee, giving all of us money to live on. But the engine and the tools will need to be created first!

My approach here is unique and what some would call crazy or stupid. I currently serve DREAM only as its visionary and director, and will only continue to work in this capacity as long as it flows in my Life's Purpose. If a feature should be implemented, the opportunity to do so will manifest. If people are needed, they will come. Basically if it is meant to be it will be. I will not attempt to control this project. It will be owned by everyone who works on it, and nobody at the same time.

If you are still interested in signing up just send me a message! Remember you have to be a Sourceforge member to send a message or joint this project. Currently DREAM needs everyone; from coders (programmers) to work on the engine, to artists to work on the UI and textures, to interface designers to work on user input, to legal advisers to figure out the best license for this project and protect DREAM. No position is too small or too big, no position is more or less important, all are of equal importance and value to the project.

Together let's breathe life into DREAM!
