


DREAM Project WIKI - Home

Spiritual Windowshoppers.

These spiritual windowshoppers, who idly ask, "How much is that? Oh, I'm just looking..."

They handle a hundred items and put them down, shadows with no capital.

What is spent is love and two eyes wet with weeping.

But these walk into a shop, and their whole lives pass suddenly in that moment, in that shop.

"Where did you go?" "Nowhere." "What did you have to eat?" "Nothing much."

Even if you don't know what you want, buy something to be a part of the general exchange.

Start a huge, foolish project, like Noah. It makes absolutely no difference what people think of you.

From, "The Soul of Rumi"
By Coleman Barks
(HarperCollins, 2002)

Welcome to the WIKI home page for DREAM, and open-source GCS that certainly classifies as a huge, foolish project, because right now only one guy, me, is working on it. But like Noah I'm looking ahead. I see the waters of a necessary change ascending, and DREAM will be designed to ride on those waves!

Below are links to every page in the WIKI, along with a short description of what you will find there. This page is updated regularly, so come back often to keep up to date!


This is the homepage of the DREAM project WIKI. Here you will find a small summary and a link to each page it contains. This is where you are right now.


This is where you can see the available positions for the DREAM Project. Right now that's every position of which you could possibly conceive.


This is my proposal for Lucidity, where I outline the features I envision for DREAM's editor.

Vertex Cloud

This is my second feature proposal page, whee I detail my idea for a configurable vertex cloud to be used while modeling in the perspective view. With this page I am now truly starting to feel productive.

World Builder

This is the first of a number of feature proposal pages for DREAM. This one discusses the world building and terrain system I envision for this project.

About these Proposal pages...

Since I can't work on DREAM in any other way at the moment I have decided to share my ideas for the project in an effort to infect as many people as possible with at least as much enthusiasm as I have for DREAM.

The Official DREAM Project Blog

News and updates are posted here regularly, when there is something to post. It also serves as the current official homepage for the DREAM Project.