
DreamChat Server 0.0.2 Released

This release is now compatible with "iChat Administrator's tool".
Details are in whatsnew.txt and readme.txt files.

Change Log

[+] Added possibility to administrate server through existing iChat admin tool.

[+] Added new commands banlist/banadd/bandel/log/clist/kick/restart.

[*] DreamChat server binaries are renamed to better reflect new name of server (DreamChatServer.exe).

[*] DreamChat server conf file renamed to DreamChatServer.conf (old name was ichatsrv.conf)

[+] Added new command to DreamChatServer.conf: banlist <filename>

[*] Logs are migrated to LogEngine library (for future scalability).

Posted by Andrey 2013-04-17

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