
Diskless client, how about server is diskless, too ?

Some of you might be interested with diskless server is diskless. What's that ? :)
Here you are:
1. Download the DRBL live from, burn the iso file in CD or unzip the zip file to USB flash drive, and make it bootable. (Check for more details)
2. Prepare a machine with 2 network cards installed. This will be the DRBL server, in which eth0 is for internet access, and eth1 is connected to DRBL clients.
3. Boot this server from DRBL Live, in boot menu, choose "DRBL live (To RAM. Boot media can be removed later)"
4. When you see the login prompt or XFCE/Gnome environment, you can remove DRBL live CD or USB flash drive.
5. Double click "Start DRBL" icon in the desktop, or run "/opt/drbl/sbin/ start" in command line.
6. Boot the client from PXE.
Now, the client is diskless, and server is diskless, too.
Interesting ?

PS. DRBL live is in beta status, use at your own risk.

Posted by Steven Shiau 2007-03-28

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