
DRBL-Winroll on Windows 10

  • Adam Klosowski

    Adam Klosowski - 2023-01-18

    Hello! A long time ago, when we used Windows XP and Windows 7, I used the drbl-winroll software - I manage computer labs in schools. For some time I have been trying to use this very good and useful software with Windows 10. I care about the functions: automatic hostname change - it works and automatic addition to the active directory domain - unfortunately they do not work in Windows 10 - I turned off UAC but unfortunately the script is blocked in the system. I have a request and a question, does anyone of you have a way to make this function work in Windows 10? I greet everyone and thanks in advance for your answer. Adam from Poland


    Last edit: Adam Klosowski 2023-01-18
  • Ceasar Sun

    Ceasar Sun - 2023-02-06

    I tested drbl-winroll (v1.7.2-249 ) last week and the auto hostname function is worked in Windows 10 under pure DHCP enabled environment.
    Maybe you can test the function with out auto-adding AD process first , then try to figure out the issue .


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