
Active directory authentication

  • Samu

    Samu - 2016-05-31

    i am sorry for my bad english, but i hope that you will understand me.

    I have pc with debian 8, connect with active directory (2008R2). I can locally login, and with ssh with active directory login.
    With pam mount i mount the windows share.

    After that i installed drbl (the pc test has 2 nic), and i can view debian on client pc. Now, i wuold like to log in with active directory credential, so, i read the FAQ and i did:

    Setup DRBL server by "drblsrv -i" and "drblpush -i" as mentioned in normally.
    Append "compat winbind" to any client's nsswitch.conf, say /tftpboot/nodes/
    Run "drbl-cp-hosts /tftpboot/nodes/ /etc/"
    Run "drbl-client-service samba on"
    Run "drbl-client-service winbind on" Ref:

    but without success!

    i did this in FULL drbl and in SSI.

    If i start the client drbl, log in as root, and than write:
    wbinfo -u (or -g or -t) i get no answer

    Must i to join every client in active directory? I tried to do this, but it failed

    Can you help me?

    Thank you

  • Samu

    Samu - 2016-06-01

    nobody can help me?

  • Samu

    Samu - 2016-06-03

    thanks for the answer
    i already read that 3ds, but i didn't find the solution to my problem.

    the server with drbl is joined to active directory, and at this "server linux" i can log in with active directory credential.

    but, on the pc that boot with drbl (ssi or in full mode), i can't login with active directory credential. But, if i manual join this client at active directory, after i can login without problem.

    1. server is in the 192.168.150.x
    2. pc linux with drbl is in 192.168.1.x (joined to windows server, all ok)
    3. "client drbl" are in the 10.10.10.x (and i if join to active directory it is ok, but i think that i don't join every client that boot with drbl!)

    No firewall reject connection

  • Samu

    Samu - 2016-06-07


  • Steven Shiau

    Steven Shiau - 2016-06-13

    Thanks Jazz for helping that. Personally I do not have any experience about using AD for Linux. If anyone on the forum has the experience, pleash share that.


  • Samu

    Samu - 2016-07-01

    I still have the problem that I asked for help

  • Steven Shiau

    Steven Shiau - 2016-07-03

    Sorry, I have very little experience about MS Windows, and do not have any AD experience. If anyone on this forum has related experience, please share that. Thanks.



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