In Saros are various configuration of PCs (for example: Pool-PC to own Notebook) where the Connection is closed during the Invitation Process. After the Host invitate, the client clicks next on the appearing window. Then Saros tries to establish a connection; since nothing happens ~40 seconds the connection refused with the error message Invitation was canceled by the remote user ceacuse of an error on his/her side: Invitation was not accepted.
There are some setting which has always, and some who has never this error.
It seems that there is a timeout on hostside which terminates the session invitation.
Issue: The connection attempt can vary between several seconds up to 1 minute.
This is ignored in the session negotiation as all timeouts are lower than 1 minute. To be more specific: 30 seconds by default.
This isnt IntelliJ related. I will post a fix in the next 5 minutes.
Should be applied within the next hour.
No need to rush :)
Submitted as [de690f]
Commit: [de690f]