The UI.Frontend get a JSON serialisation which contain the whole workspace in order to render the project entrys. However most of the times, it would be enough to only send the ProjectTreeEntrys that are currently needs to be shown in the SessionWizardManager.
This cause massiv perofrmance issuses when the workspace contain a lot files (~ >1000). See the Mailinglist for more information:
Since the bottleneck is in the Javascript side, that apparently can't handle biger JSON files (f.e. ~10.000 files in the workspace --> leads to a ProjectTree JSON of 3,5MB), the communictation need to change. My solution would be to introduce a "getChilds(ProjectNode)" BrowserFunction that can be called via JS in the Wizard, every time you open tree node. Instead of sending the whole ProjectTree only the currently needed would be send.
However this would increase the amount of rendering actions.