
#602 No response after clicking a user's name


This was discovered during a longer session, see bug #3424094 for the log files and more detailed context information. (#1 in the protocol.)

Given two users, lutz4 and fzieris, of which fzieris is the session's host. After lutz4 opens and modifies a file (junit.tests.runner/, fzieris double clicks lutz4's user name. The file doesn't open.


  • Stefan Rossbach

    Stefan Rossbach - 2011-10-16
    • assigned_to: nobody --> karlheld
  • Stefan Rossbach

    Stefan Rossbach - 2011-10-16

    [Follow Mode Bug]

  • Karl Held

    Karl Held - 2011-10-16

    The problem is, that fziers does not have the file at all. Even before he tries to follow lutz4, this exception occours:

    ( EditorAPI cannot open file which does not exist: L/junit_4.8.2_src 2/src/test/java/junit/tests/runner/

    I`m not sure what caused this behaviour. But I found out that fziers got the file:

    DEBUG 2011-10-12 15:58:58,042 ( File written to disk: src/test/java/org/junit/tests/

    The problem is, that the file he received and the one he tries to connect are in different directories.

    src/test/java/org/junit/tests/ (exists and he even get the ActivityObjects of both)
    src/test/java/junit/tests/runner/ (does not exist)

  • Karl Beecher

    Karl Beecher - 2011-10-17
    • priority: 5 --> 4
  • Stefan Rossbach

    Stefan Rossbach - 2012-06-27

    The Session GUI was changed with Alex patches. Can anyone confirm that this bug still exist ?

  • Stefan Rossbach

    Stefan Rossbach - 2012-06-27
    • status: open --> open-out-of-date
  • Stefan Rossbach

    Stefan Rossbach - 2012-06-27
    • assigned_to: karlheld --> nobody
  • Stefan Rossbach

    Stefan Rossbach - 2017-04-13
    • status: open-out-of-date --> closed-out-of-date
    • Group: --> OTHER
  • Stefan Rossbach

    Stefan Rossbach - 2017-04-13

    I am sure this works now, and even it if doesnt, it will work after the file(s) was received.


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