Erwann - 2012-11-13


I want put a source class which is like :

- DadSrc :
  -- String techid;
  -- Set<ChildSrc> childs;
  -- ...
- ChildSrc :
  -- String techid;
  -- ...

… in a destination class which is like :

- DadDest :
  -- String techid;
  -- Set<ChildDest> childs;
  -- ...
- ChildDest :
  -- String techid;
  -- DadDest dad;
  -- ...

If you see, the second is bidirectional. I would like put the dad in each ChildDest. A dad with just a techid (business key) if possible.

I tried things like :

        <field type="one-way">

… but it seems not working.

If anybody can help me…