
Map class field to a flat representation

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-09-27


    I've been googling and trying different approaches for that but so far couldn't find a simple solution…
    Problem is as follow:

    class A {
     String test;
     B test2;
    class B {
     String test3;
     String test4;
    class C {
     String test;
     String test3;
     String test4;

    Now I would like to map all of the fields from A (including B) to a flat representation in C.
    Is it possible to do using just configuration? The problem is that class B is used in many places and I don't to write a mapping like this for each of them:


    Would appreciate a solution for that :)

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-09-27

    Well ideally it could look like this:


    Where D and E are different classes but consisting same fields as B + some additional


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