DarthBlueRay - 2014-02-28

I'm new to dozer and I have an issue I can't get a grip on.

I have the following:

Class A_DTO en B_DTO.

In class A_DTO one of the fields is of type B_DTO

I have two regular dozer mapper for mapping A_DTO <-> A and B_DTO to B

When I map from A_DTO to A, I see that alle the mapping works but object B_DTO in A_DTO hasn't been mapped (B in A = null). I thought this "internal" mapping would be taking care of.

I'm using a regular mapping class :

public abstract class Mapper<D, T=""> {

protected org.dozer.DozerBeanMapper mapper;

public Mapper() {
List<String> file = new ArrayList<String>();
mapper = new DozerBeanMapper();
// mapper.setMappingFiles(file);

public abstract D mapToDTO(T domainObject);

public abstract T mapToDomainObj(D dto);

public ArrayList<D> mapAllToDTO(List<T> domainObjects) {
ArrayList<D> dtoList = new ArrayList<D>();
for (T t : domainObjects) {
return dtoList;

public ArrayList<T> mapAllToDomainObject(List<D> dtos) {
ArrayList<T> domainObjects = new ArrayList<T>();
for (D d : dtos) {
return domainObjects;
