
doxWiki / News: Recent posts

doxWiki 1.2 Released!

doxWiki now detects conflicts between the edits of different users and provides the user who tried saving second with tools to merge the changes. A new "SetPrefs" page was added that allows individual users to adjust the size of their textarea edit windows. was added as an off-line method of listing all of the links contained within all of the pages of a doxWiki site. "Timestamps" can be produced to record when some text was first edited, when the page was last saved, or when the page was last converted to HTML [Timestamp]. was extended so that it doesn't find wikiwords that are marked "donotlink" already. A problem with Perl 5.10 using was fixed. Search results were expanded to show a word on each side of the search term. Alternate rows of tables can be formatted differently. The terminating sequence of the special case of "Preformatted by Shebang" was changed. A non-XHTML construct in intra-page references was fixed. A bug in nested text emphasis marks was fixed. A bug that caused some =jot lines to get the =poetic style was fixed. A bug in initiating BeenThere was fixed. WebServerWiki was updated to help users with Apache installations.

Posted by cxd 2009-02-02

Seeking CSS Designer

The doxWiki team is seeking someone to tune the CSS file(s) and take doxWiki to the next level by giving it a much more professional look and feel. If you have an eye towards GUI design and know CSS and can spend some free time then please contact cxd or kmmcc listed as Project Admin. Thanks, cxd

Posted by cxd 2006-10-04

doxWiki 1.1 released

Jot mode added; different users (as identified by the IP address of their browser) can now keep separate BeenThere pages; editing textarea is now 100% width; bugs fixed in finding references by clicking on page title, in poetic mode, as well as errors fixed in WikiEdit; EasyWiki updated; command-line program added for ease of entering "donotlink" controls.

Posted by cxd 2006-07-04

doxwiki 1.0a tar is fixed!

doxwiki 1.0a tar.gz is fixed. doxwiki 1.0 zip was and is good.

Posted by cxd 2006-05-19

doxWiki 1.0 tar.gz corrupt!

My apologies, the .tar.gz is corrupt. But the .zip is OK. I will fix the .tar.gz tonight.

-- cxd

Posted by cxd 2006-05-18

doxWiki 1.0 Released!

"" now allows access by outside computers; new "" prevents outside access without dying. Poetic mode added to render lines as the author desired. "Search" also performs "Go" function, uses wildcards, is faster. BeenThere always shows at least 7 days, coordinates different doxWiki roots, and includes "Search" box. Saved HTML is in more useful place when MorePages is in use. Password boxes added in addition to Edit boxes. Improved operation of bracket-modified emphases. Numerous bug fixes. Added C to =bartable to center all text horizontally in cells. Added ImportFiles: copy files to Imports directory then go to ImportFiles page and press Update button to list files.

Posted by cxd 2006-05-18

doxwiki 0.7.9 Released

Fixed css so outlines possible; added OutlineCss; added "noanchornames" in-file control for better Word compatibility. Added CheckSpelling and ImportPdf pages and PMs. CheckSpelling requires aspell to be installed (use cygwin on Windows platforms). ImportPdf just copies PDFs to the pdf directory and creates links to them. New default DefaultCss with old one renamed to PlainCss (has Steve's patch in it -- Thanks Steve!).

Posted by cxd 2006-03-12

0.7.8 Released!

Removed body controls and added equivalents into DefaultCss file. Plus more file cleanup.

Posted by cxd 2006-01-04

doxWiki 0.7.6 Released

Updated help files, added alternate list styles, and added GraphViz update control example.

Posted by cxd 2005-12-29

doxWiki 0.7.5 Released!

See Home page and Download area.

Posted by cxd 2005-12-04


We're currenly working on setting up the site. Should have initial home page by 12/5/05

Posted by cxd 2005-12-01