
DoubleCommand and Mavericks: downloading and isntalling rpoblem

  • Emile N Nucho

    Emile N Nucho - 2013-11-02


    I have tried several times to download and install 1.7 and kept running into a problem. Here is what happens:

    1. I download DC 1.7

    2. the little window with the unpacked box icon opens (as normal) and I click on it (and here comes the snag)

    3. a window opens that says: "DoubleCommand-1.7.pkg" can't be opened because it is from an unidentified developer. Below that, in smaller print it says:

                 "DoubleCommand-1.7.pkg" is on disk image"
                 "DoubleCommand-1.7 (1).dmg".Google Chrome downloaded this disk image today at 6:27 AM from

    As I mentioned, I tried several times, to no avail. I also should mention that I have been using DC for the last few years. The latest version I have been using was 1.69. I have never had any trouble with it, nor when downloading a newer version.

    Technical details:

    MacBook Pro 15" running on Mavericks completely up-to-date

    Any ideas, please.

    Many hanks,


  • Michael Baltaks

    Michael Baltaks - 2013-11-03

    A tutorial like might help you install. Basically, you have to use the contextual menu (right click or control click) to open the file, rather than just double clicking. I hope that helps.


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