
Lion Support?

  • todd

    todd - 2011-07-21

    I can't seem to get DoubleCommand to work under Lion - anyone successful?  Tips / help?   Thanks!

  • Michael Baltaks

    Michael Baltaks - 2011-07-24

    I'll just note that I've had at least one report of DoubleCommand working on Mac OS X 10.7 Lion. I won't be able to try Lion for a while, but does the installer disable DoubleCommand? Can it simply be installed again after installing Lion?

  • Emile N Nucho

    Emile N Nucho - 2011-07-25

    If you mean by Double Command, the ability to do forward deletes, then I have not even been able to do it on Snow Leopard. On the other hand, I have a Spanish keyboard which me explain that. But I have no idea which key can be used on a Spanish keyboard. Hit and Miss did not work out for me either.

    If anyone has an answer to that, I would cetainly appreciate it.


  • todd

    todd - 2011-07-26

    mbaltaks, I re-installed DoubleCommand and the installation works fine -- but setting Shift-Delete = Forward Delete simply has no effect; shift-delete simply = delete regardless. 

    The sole code that shows on DoubleCommand reflecting my choice is 16384 - is there perhaps a different code that works on Lion to trigger forward delete?  Is there a way I can find out for you via Terminal / Hex editor to perhaps help other Lion users?



  • Mark

    Mark - 2011-08-02

    All I need from DoubleCommand is to convert backslash to forward delete. That does not work in Lion. I've already tried reinstalling DoubleCommand without success. Any suggestions?

  • olten

    olten - 2011-08-02

    give Key Remap a Chance! deinstall DC and install it it WORKS under LION !
    I works on all Mac not only on Notebooks like the Name say ! I use it for a long time !

    greetts from Europe

  • Mark

    Mark - 2011-08-02

    Thank you, Jarre. I removed DoubleCommand and installed KeyRemap. It's superior to DoubleCommand, and it's working perfectly so far. I appreciate the lead.

  • mike r

    mike r - 2011-12-10

    HELP!  I installed DC on a new MacAIR running Lion 10.7.2, apparently something went awry and it completely disabled my keyboard.  In a short moment of panic i also removed the entry from the System Preferences instead opening it.  As it sits I cannot delete C from startup items because OSX prompts me for a password.  Tried restarting wit Cntrl-S but still have no keyboard.  My system still boots and runs and mouse works but zero keyboard so cannot type any commands at all.

    Hope I can get help here, at a total loass what to do and useless machine obviously.

  • mike r

    mike r - 2011-12-10

    Well I got around my issue my iChating in with my other Mac and successfully running the uninstall, so I ok,=.  CErtainly will not be using DC on Lion anymore….


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