
uninstall seems to faile (still kernel panic)

  • Chris

    Chris - 2008-04-01


    I tried to uninstall DoubleCommand (Mac OS 10.5) doing the steps on the Help page ("Removing DoubleCommand").

    Unfortunately I still get a kernel panic in some situations:0x34a078c8 : 0x664893 (0x92e1300 0x915e880 0x1 0x0)
        Backtrace continues...
          Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):

    How do I remove this kernel module (or whatever this is)?


    • Tim Brunson

      Tim Brunson - 2008-08-28

      I have this problem, too.

      My macbook pro on 10.5.X has been having kernel panic sometimes a couple times a day and sometimes weeks pass without one. I have browsed through all topics and help and have tried it all, with nothing working. I've considered just starting over with a fresh copy of OSX but it is silly to do this over one program!!

      I can't even install newer versions of DoubleCommand. It just hangs on the install % bar.

      A side effect also is that any mouse I use, the middle/back/forward button(s) usually stop functioning after the computer being on for a day.

      This is really a PITA and I absolutely regret ever having installed this POS program.

      If anybody can shed some light on this issue for both me and Christian, I'd appreciate it immensely. Hell I'll even pay somebody to troubleshoot this. It is that frustrating.

      • Chris

        Chris - 2008-08-28


        good to know that this issue still exists. That keeps me off trying out double command again.


      • Michael Baltaks

        Michael Baltaks - 2008-08-28

        Ok, I'll start by helping you remove DoubleCommand to fix the immediate problem. There are two parts to the DoubleCommand software:




        So you can run these commands in Terminal (then restart your computer) to completely remove it:

        cd /Library/StartupItems
        sudo rm -fr DoubleCommand
        cd /Library/PreferencePanes
        sudo rm -fr DoubleCommandPreferences.prefPane

        There is another file created to help stop panics by preventing DoubleCommand from loading if it crashed on last load:

        cd /var/tmp
        sudo rm -f DoubleCommand.crashed

    • Dave Bates

      Dave Bates - 2008-08-28

      My mac book pro has been very solid for 5 months with Beta 1, but I had problems with other builds.  This tool must be a very hacky hack to work so well for some and have problems for others.   It would be nice if Apple would build something solid in......Apple?


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