
Dawn of the Titans / News: Recent posts

Focus Shift

After a lot of procrastinating and laziness and whatnot, me and Vlad have decided to contribute to the BTechMUX community by providing code and support rather than a new set of extensions. We just lack the time to carry out such an undertaking at the present.

For this reason, we're shifting our focus to supporting the existing 3030 BTMux distribution, which is great news for many. We will begin releasing softcode and other various things (maps, hardcode patches, etc.) shortly. Stay tuned!

Posted by Greg Taylor 2003-06-18

Progress Update

We've begun work again now that the summer is nearby (leaving us with more time on our hands), and hope to get an alpha site up very soon. Vlad is working on getting the cross-compatability between MUSH and MUX nailed down and I'm working on a lot of the economics of the game.

At this point in time, we could use ideas and softcoders (both are needed equally). Stop by our test game by telnetting to port 4444.

Posted by Greg Taylor 2003-05-25

Webpage and SF!

At this time, we are currently moving all of our development support stuff over to the webpage. We find it's a lot faster for our purposes, and the community hasn't grown to the size where this SF tracker stuff is worth it. You may visit our page for the latest on our development:

Posted by Greg Taylor 2003-01-22


The project has been re-arranged to better reflect a new path. Many options on the SF project itself have been disabled, but you can find them at the project's homepage: We don't expect to have a release out until at earlier, January, but development help is needed! Stop by the site and say hi.

Posted by Greg Taylor 2002-12-08

Area File Progress

I know the project has been quiet for a while, but in no way have we stopped working :) I have about turned out a brand new area to replace SWR's old Coruscant spaceport. This one is called Adalia and is arranged to be much more player friendly and better to look at. There was a lot of reset errors and the old Coruscant really just....sucked. Look forward to a working copy of Adalia up on the CVS archive by this weekend. I have also modified a large portion of the Newbie Academy to be a bit more up to date and friendlier to complete newbies.... read more

Posted by Greg Taylor 2002-03-07

New Webmaster!

Please welcome Michael Heath (nameroc) aboard as our webmaster! He has much experience in HTML and hopes to turn out a great webpage with much functionality for the users and developers alike. This could eventually get really fancy :)

However, it will be some time before we get a stable working webpage up, so sit tight while we get it running how we like it.

Posted by Greg Taylor 2002-03-07

New Mailing List

Added a new mailing list: dott-general
This will be the forum for player and admin/developers to discuss general DoTT stuff. Basically anything. This is better for the non technical type or players too.

Posted by Greg Taylor 2002-02-26

New Webpage

I decided it'd be a pain in the tail to maintain a big webpage mirroring the stuff here, so I reverted to a much more simple one that serves the same purpose, it just points people here for more information.

Posted by Greg Taylor 2002-02-23

Alpha Release #1

Our source is now avaialble through anonymous CVS. Click on the 'CVS' link for more imformation on that.

We're still trying to stomp out all/most of the references to Star Wars, but we've come a long way.

Feel free to take a peek at the code and send anything in that you find buggy.

Posted by Greg Taylor 2002-02-23

Help Wanted!

We're looking for the following:

- SCoders: Needed to develop a bare bones DB for distribution. This would mean some examples of ships and character generation code, also mux infrastructure code. We have a good bit of this done, but a lot of it needs to be tossed in one DB and some needs rewriting.

HCoders: We're going to need one or two active hcoders to help squash bugs and extend our hcode to allow for new features. A lot of codebase (TM2.1) mods are needed so we can run a combat oriented site on a usually building/exploring type codebase.... read more

Posted by Greg Taylor 2002-02-14

We're Back!

After a...month or two absence, the development team is back and ready to code. We're going to re-arrange the code a bit and prepare for our first public alpha release.

As for what we're doing right now:
- Player combat hcode is now underway
- Many of the underlining space systems are being rewrote and improved upon.

There's quite a few other things we're working on, but those are the more important.... read more

Posted by Greg Taylor 2002-02-14

Concept Art

I got bored and made some concept art of Ship Class 1 and Orbital Stations, and a logo. They're posted under our file listing in the "Graphics" release.

Posted by Greg Taylor 2001-09-23


After many hours of sitting in front of a computer banging his head on the keyboard, the cargo system is in. A weight and resource system is in and working. I'll post some documentation shortly.

Posted by Greg Taylor 2001-09-16

Possible Alpha Release

We may release an alpha version of the code for people to mess with and come up with ideas on shortly. This is not certain yet, but there is a good possibility. The only thing we ask is that those who make modifications would pass on anything that would fit well in to the main distro.

Posted by Greg Taylor 2001-07-31

Good Progress

We've made considerable progress in the area of general space commands. A lot of bugs that have plagued us since the beginning were fixed today, and the pace is only picking up as the week goes on. I'd count on a beta release in a month or so.

Posted by Greg Taylor 2001-07-29

CVS Archive

Is now up and running

Posted by Greg Taylor 2001-07-24

Back from Vacation

Woo I'm back from vacation and its time to code!

Posted by Dylan Liverman 2001-07-23

SourceForge Account Up

As you've no doubt noticed by now, we now have a SourceForge account for the development of Dawn of the Titans. I am still working on getting things set up, and our head hardcoder is on vacation, so things will be slow until those two things change. As for the source, I have released the source, which is still in pre-alpha stages, and I hope to start development soon. Any skilled C++ programmers please talk to me about helping. Documentation will be coming shortly, so sit tight!

Posted by Greg Taylor 2001-07-22