
DotChat / News: Recent posts

DotChat is proud to announce Version 0.5.1

DotChat has just today released version 0.5.1. This is a stable release with many new features including a system tray alert allowing the chat client to run in the background without taking up room on the taskbar.

The user interface continues to improve with better redraw performance and screen management. Members can be invited to conversations via context menus on the active member tree.

To see what's coming up in future versions check the feature request tracker right here on sourceforge. Missing a vital feature you'd like to see added? Then tell us about it by submitting a feature request!

Posted by Ben Westgarth 2005-01-07

Version-0.5 has been delayed

As with all things around this time of year, the much anticipated release of DotChat Version-0.5 has been delayed due to festivities and non-code related committments. But fear not, the new version will be arriving shortly after the new year.

Posted by Ben Westgarth 2004-12-24

Version-0.5 of DotChat is just around the corner!

Version-0.5 of DotChat is expected to be released sometime before Christmas. This new release will be packed full of new features and increased usability - particularly on the client. Don't forget, if you have any feature suggestions for future releases of DotChat then submit them to us.

Posted by Ben Westgarth 2004-12-16

DotChat Version-0.4 has Arrived

DotChat is a client/server chat application which allows any number of users on a network to conduct multiple conversations with other network members. Version-0.4 of DotChat has today been posted for download. This release is largely a bug fix release of 0.3, but it also offers a few new features and a stylish new interface. Download it and give it a go, and if you have any comments/suggestions/bugs/feature requests, then send them in straight away! A release date for version-0.5 has not yet been set, but we are compiling a list of features to include. ... read more

Posted by Ben Westgarth 2004-12-03

DotChat is Born

Welcome to the DotChat newsroom. DotChat will be using the news feature of sourceforge as its primary method of keeping users of DotChat up to date on all the latest enhancements and bug fixes.

The first alpha version of DotChat is now available for download and all developers who are interested in testing and providing feedback are encouraged to do so. But be warned! There are still some bugs in there. ... read more

Posted by Ben Westgarth 2004-11-26