
DOPAL 0.60 released

DOPAL is a library to allow programs written in Python to easily communicate the Java BitTorrent client Azureus, via the XML/HTTP plugin (allowing communication over a network).

Version 0.60 is the fourth public release of DOPAL. The first major change is the addition of a new scripting framework - this allows DOPAL to be used much small scripts to be written much more conveniently, as well as making it easy to write much more portable scripts than before.

The goal of this framework is to make DOPAL a much more convenient and natural choice to write specific behaviour for Azureus (without having the overhead of creating a plugin). Check the "scripts" link for more information and examples.

The second major change is that DOPAL is now unicode-friendly - tracebacks no longer occur when trying to deal with torrents which contain characters that are not supported by the default system encoding. Unicode data is also now encoded properly when sending XML for Azureus to process.

There's also various other minor changes - check the changelog for more information.

The method definitions in this release are in sync with Azureus b20 (though you can use any version of Azureus with DOPAL).

Posted by Allan Crooks 2006-05-03

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