
DOMIT! RSS Parser for PHP / News: Recent posts

DOMIT! RSS 0.51 released

We are pleased to announce the release of DOMIT! RSS 0.51. This version includes better error handling and logging, and a default error mode whereby DOMIT RSS does not die on an error.

The setRSSTimeout method allows the user to set a maximum time for feed retrieval.

Posted by John Heinstein 2005-09-11

DOMIT! RSS 0.5 released!

After months of development, DOMIT! RSS version 0.5 is now available.

With this release comes many speed and feature enhancements, many bugfixes, new methods for extracting RSS data, and documentation in DocBook format.

For more information, visit the DOMIT! RSS homepage at:

Posted by John Heinstein 2005-08-15

DOMIT! RSS 0.4 released

We are pleased to announce the release of DOMIT! RSS 0.4. This release updates the HTTP connnection code, and fixes a minor file i/o bug.

For more information, please visit the DOMIT! RSS home page at:

Posted by John Heinstein 2004-10-09

DOMIT! RSS version 0.3 released

We are pleased to announce the release of DOMIT! RSS version 0.3.

This release introduces HTTP / proxy connections and authorization, and fixes a minor bug in the parsing of comments.

For more information, please visit the DOMIT! RSS homepage at:

Posted by John Heinstein 2004-09-29

DOMIT RSS 0.2 released!

We're pleased to announce the release of DOMIT! RSS 0.2.

This release provides optional support for the PEAR:Cache_Lite caching library, enables RSS to be parsed from a string in additional to an url, and exits certain error conditions more gracefully.

Please visit the DOMIT! RSS home page for more information, and to take the DOMIT! RSS tutorial:

Posted by John Heinstein 2004-08-05

DOMIT! RSS 0.1 for PHP released!

We are pleased to announce the release of DOMIT! RSS 0.1.

DOMIT! RSS is an RSS parser for PHP. It is written purely in PHP, and therefore does not require the installation of any PHP extensions.

Unlike most existing PHP RSS clients, it uses a DOM XML parser -- DOMIT! -- to convert an RSS feed into a DOM document that can be traversed using the standard DOM methods.

DOMIT! RSS is able to parse all flavors of RSS feed, and its API is designed to work identically across all versions. Its caching mechanism saves a local copy of the RSS feed and updates it only at specified intervals. It is able to detect certain types of non-compliant XML and repair it.... read more

Posted by John Heinstein 2004-07-24