
Docx2txt v1.3 released

New feature:
- Added support for handling lists (bullet, decimal, letter, roman) along with (attempt at) indentation. Users can experiment with different values of config_twipsPerChar to arrive at a pleasant layout of list information. One of the screenshots at demonstrates output of same docx file with different config_twipsPerChar values.

- Added configuration variable config_twipsPerChar. As of now it is being used for list indentation only, but could possibly be used for other indentation/formatting requirements.

  • Removed configuration variables: config_listIndent, config_exp_extra_deEscape.

  • Text output omits deleted text. This matters in case changes are being tracked in docx document.

  • Text output omits non-document_text content marked by wp/wp14 tags.

Posted by Sandeep Kumar 2014-04-07

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