
unknown field with tag 317 (0x13d)

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hi All,
    strange Messages after I activate KeywordFields in
    Because the advanced search in DocMgr get no results, I start the reindex.php script. Here are the Messages:
    TIFFReadDirectory: Warning, /srv/www/htdocs/doc/files/data/6.docmgr: unknown field with tag 317 (0x13d) encountered.
    TIFFReadDirectory: Warning, /srv/www/htdocs/doc/files/data/6.docmgr: invalid TIFF directory; tags are not sorted in ascending order.
    TIFFReadDirectory: Warning, /srv/www/htdocs/doc/files/data/6.docmgr: unknown field with tag 37458 (0x9252) encountered.
    TIFFReadDirectory: Warning, /srv/www/htdocs/doc/files/data/6.docmgr: unknown field with tag 37459 (0x9253) encountered.
    TIFFReadDirectory: Warning, /srv/www/htdocs/doc/files/data/6.docmgr: unknown field with tag 37460 (0x9254) encountered.
    TIFFReadDirectory: Warning, /srv/www/htdocs/doc/files/data/6.docmgr: unknown field with tag 37461 (0x9255) encountered.
    no spaces found
    # Warning: non-positive median line gap of 0

    What have I to do with this Message?

    • Eric Lawman

      Eric Lawman - 2005-06-29

      The TIFFReadDirectory errors are coming from libtiff while it's trying to handle a tiff file, it seems.  You can ignore them.

      Keywords work differently from file indexing.  Reindex.php isn't going to affect your keywords.  Basically, after you enable a keyword field, you set the keyword for the file in the file properties, or when you upload a file.  So, after you set a test value for a keyword for your file, head over to Advanced Search. 

      You don't use the regular search to search for keywords, there's a keyword search below it that you must use.  Type in the value you used above and search for it.  You should get a return.

      Eventually, the keyword search will be moved into the advanced search, so there's only one search field to deal with. 



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