
Tree [9661c0] main /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 ci-cd 2021-09-19 Gabriele Gabriele [8e6e98] Adding the CI/CD example
 local 2021-09-19 Gabriele Gabriele [fac0ee] local tests
 LICENSE 2021-09-19 Gabriele Gatto Gabriele Gatto [9f16f2] Initial commit 2021-09-19 Gabriele Gatto Gabriele Gatto [9661c0] Update

Read Me

Flask API with docker behind NGINX proxy for auth

A Docker Python-Flask with NGINX for the AUTH project
@maintainer G.Gatto 2021 -
repo from:
Tested on a MacOsx with Docker + Kuberneters (Docker-Desktop)

This project shows how you can create a python flask api with docker behind a reverse proxy to protect different /endpoints.

It could be easily integrated with different pipeline to trigger when a dockerfile or your changes.

In the main folder you'll find a bash script to create or shutdown the containers.

The script also is checking with a curl command if the containers are working or not.

In order to run it, You need to have installed on your PC/MacOsX/Linux, Docker and docker-compose.

Files inside the local folder

FILE/FOLDER ASCII ARGUMENTS 'To exec from your terminal with arguments' 'start = build&start containers'; 'stop = stop containers;' 'remove = stop&remove containers'
docker-compose.yml "The directives for the 2 containers" -
/garanet/ Include Dockerfile, Flask Application -
/nginx/ Include Dockerfile, Nginx conf, htpasswd -

Files inside the local folder

Inside the ci-cd folder you'll find an syntax exanple for the gitlab-ci pipeline.

Run it

You have to run it form your terminal, make sure the script has the exec privileges, otherwise run

~:# cd local/

~:# chmod a+x

~:# ./ start

Running tha above command, the Docker will create 2 docker containers locally to expose 3 endpoints API with FLASK.

  • The first container is the python FLASK app.
  • The second container is the NGINX to proxy with a basic auth method the internal Flask API.

How check it

From your browser you can retreive the urls:





From your terminal you can POST a JSON via curl like:

~:# curl --user guest --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data '{"key":"POST JSON WORKS"}' http://localhost:5000/getmyfile

The default username and password are guest / guest.

You can change it generating a htapasswd file from the command line like:

~:# htpasswd -c PATH/.htapasswd username

Shutdown the containers

~:#./ stop

Delete a file

~:#./ remove