
Import an old index file to a newer version

  • Stas

    Stas - 2011-11-22

    Hello, first of all, great job. The best free program for indexing I know till

    I would like to know, if it is possible to just copy a index file from my
    1.0.3 DocFetcher portable version to the 1.1 beta and to use the old index.

    I have tried and I have not figured out, how to do so.

    There seems to be some more diferences between this versions. But this
    question is important in general. Would be nice to get an answer.

    And an additional question is, if this import would work fine, can I then just
    exclude some subfolders (which was not possible in 1.0.3) without re-index the
    main folder?


  • Nam-Quang Tran

    Nam-Quang Tran - 2011-11-22

    Sorry, copying indexes between different versions is not possible. Here's why:

    1) DocFetcher 1.1 beta was completely rewritten from scratch and has zero
    compatibility with DocFetcher 1.0.3.

    2) Moreover, there are currently no plans to even allow copying indexes from
    one 1.1+ release to the next (e.g. 1.1.1 to 1.1.2). The reason for this is
    that preserving backwards compatibility requires effort, and I don't see that
    as important in the case of indexes, which can be recreated with relatively
    little effort.

  • Stas

    Stas - 2011-11-25

    Thanks for the quick answer.

    I have also realized, that it is not the most important feature to think of ;)


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